Dr John WorldPeace mix of the song Let there be Peace on Earth
How can we manifest peace on earth if we do not include everyone
(all races, all religions, all nations, both genders) in our vision of peace?
We can't. Consider that A Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim vision of peace will never manifest WorldPeace because the dictates of all religious
bureaucracies are elitist and exclusive and WorldPeace is an all inclusive
secular democratic determination.
Consider that an American vision of peace will never manifest WorldPeace.
Consider that a White race vision of peace will never manifest WorldPeace.
Consider that a Male vision of peace will never manifest WorldPeace.
If I am a minority of one, the truth is still the truth. Dr Jwp JD
"When Peace becomes our priority, WorldPeace will become our reality." Dr Jwp JD
"WorldPeace is not two things; but one. Therefore it should be written as one word: WorldPeace!"
Dr Jwp JD
There are very few if any TEACH PEACE curriculum in the world universities leading to a degree in Peace Studies. There are TEACH PEACE courses about peace but those really discuss peace advocates like Gandhi, Mandela and Martin Luther King. There are no TEACH PEACE courses that get to the root causes of why the world human society cannot increase the level of peace in the world human society.
Therefore, I have taken it upon myself to begin to develop a TEACH PEACE curriculum for peace and world peace with the goal of eventually creating TEACH PEACE courses that will be added to every university's curriculum. Hopefully those courses will in time become mandatory and even degree plans that lead to a Bachelor or Master of Arts in Peace: and a PhD course of study.
The online textbook for this course will be THE BOOK OF WORLDPEACE. THE BOOK OF WORLDPEACE that was initially written and self published by Dr John WorldPeace JD as THE BOOK OF PEACE in 1988. As this course develops THE BOOK OF WORLDPEACE will naturally evolve.
Initial, I will be the teacher/moderator in this endeavor and like every teacher I will give tests, but not traditional tests because my tests are going to be open ended questions taken from the headlines in the daily news and from other commentary I have on my primary website JohnWorldPeace.com. Questions about whether events are being driven such that they will increase the peace in the world human society or decrease it.
There will never be perfect peace on earth because the world and the world human society are in a constant state of change and that change creates ongoing chaos on all levels. I have been told that I am wasting my time trying to TEACH PEACE, because only Jesus can manifest world peace. Interesting!
I am not Jesus. I am Dr John WorldPeace JD. I am not promoting a perfect Peace. I am advocating that we can increase the level of peace in the world human society if we TEACH PEACE. I think we can all agree that we can increase the current level of peace in the world human society no matter how incrementally. Increasing the peace is something that can be done if we TEACH PEACE.
There are three categories of institutions in every society in the world that are mandated with increasing if not maintaining peace within their society. 1) Religions, 2) Governments and 3) Legal systems:the courts of law. Unfortunately, after thousands of years of the presence of these three institutions, in many forms past and present, they have reached their level of incompetence in manifesting peace. They are really incapable of increasing the peace that already exists in the world human society. So the first question is why have these great and not so great institutions failed to manifest peace within countries and world peace between countries.
The answer is relatively simple. It is actually a question about why we do not TEACH PEACE
How can we manifest peace on earth if we don't include everyone (All races, all religions, all nations, both genders) in our vision of peace?
can't. A Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim vision of peace will
never manifest WorldPeace because the dictates of all religious bureaucracies
are elitist and exclusive founded on the dictates of the God of each religion. WorldPeace is a democratic and all inclusive determination. The same is true of nations: national governments, races and gender bias.
So if any nation, race, religion or gender claims to have the key to world peace, they must speak in terms of a world government as opposed to individual nations, human beings as opposed to races and genders, and spirituality as opposed to religion.
All nations, religions, races and mostly the male gender have created world wide power bases and these power bases prefer to impose their will on opposing power bases as opposed to relinquishing their power base for the purpose of increasing the peace in the world human society.
With regards to WorldPeace and nations, the only hope is for a federalist world government based on justice and with the power to impose its democratic dictates on the entire world by consent of all nations.
So to increase the peace in the world human society we have to determine if there is a way to make human beings more inclusive of each other. Can we TEACH PEACE? We have to figure out why human beings feel that it is important to define themselves as better than other human beings because of their race, religion, nationality or gender. Nations and Religions and Races demonize each other in order to justify prejudice in the world human society and at the worst genocide. This cannot be denied.
No one will deny that America is the most egalitarian, albeit imperfect and hypocritical nation in the world. Within American society there is a proven current reality that all religions, all races, all nationalities and both genders live in peace; because Americans enforce democracy and peace. It is the applied law of the land. Jews and Muslims do not randomly kill each other with abandon in America. And those who do, the few that do, are brought into the criminal justice system. No other country outside America on such a broad scale enforces peace upon human beings of all races, nationalities, religions and gender within its borders. No other country is as diligent in their efforts to enforce peace.
But here is the Paradox. Muslims who are allowed entry into the United States have total equality but Muslims who live outside the United States are demonized. If one brother comes to America from Iraq, he is entitled to equality with all Americans. But his brother who lives in Iraq is demonized. America, the beacon of democracy and equality and justice within its borders, is as ruthless and maybe moreso as any other nation outside its borders.
So we cannot deny that all races, all religions, all nations, both genders of human beings can live in peace within the borders of the United States. That cannot be challenged. And we also cannot deny that if this equality can work within the United States, it can work in the whole world. All we have to do is to TEACH PEACE to increase the peace in the world human society.
So we have a functional example in the world human society of racial, national, religious and gender peace. No one can say that peace in the world cannot be increased because America is the example that it can.
There are other impediments to peace in the world. Economics, education, wealth, and so on. At my age, I don't think I have enough life left to work on these secondary issues and there are a huge number of them. Human beings love to distinguish themselves from other human beings in any and everyway possible. It is about power and control. All human beings want to be free of the control of others and therefore want control over others. So again, perfect peace and world peace is impossible. But increasing the peace in the world human society is obtainable. It starts if we TEACH PEACE
I have stated above my four areas of assumed responsibility and focus: race, religion, nationality and gender bias. This is where the majority of my energy as a peace advocate is directed. These are foundational issues that must be discussed if we intend to TEACH PEACE. They are the most influential in the world human society. They are the hardest to root out of any society.
In a word, it is about opening a discussion in order to TEACH PEACE. I have no set answers. But being John WorldPeace since 1988, I have learned a few things about peace. I don't have any answers really. I have identified problems and I have my opinions but it is the world human society that will have to work out the solutions to increasing the peace in the world human society.
I am the teacher. I am attempting to TEACH PEACE. I am asking the test questions. And I am learning with everyone else. I am not better or worse that anyone in this global project. I am just the self appointed teacher/moderator of a global discussion about increasing the peace in the world human society.
If no one participates in this discussion, then I have to conclude that at this time the world has no desire to increase the peace; no matter what they say. They have no inclination or motivation to TEACH PEACE. As John WorldPeace, my conclusion as John WorldPeace since 1988 is that human beings in fact hate peace and more so they hate those who advocate it. That is my experience. The world human society does not want to TEACH PEACE because to do so would require a self analysis about one's attitude about peace and world peace. It will require all humans to embrace the truth that all races, nations, religions and genders are just as good or bad as any other.
If no one participates in this conversation which is outside any religious, racial, national or gender framework or bias, then I would have to conclude that no mater what people say about wanting peace, it just is not so. And I would have to wait until sometime after my death for the seeds I have sown to take root.
Within the next few weeks I finish an upgrade of this website. Know that this website will never be finished. I am open to any and all suggestions. There will be no blog because as the teacher/moderator I cannot keep up with all the threads in a blog. Like any teacher/moderator I need to control the conversation.
What will happen is that I will take the emails I receive and keep the conversation on track and get rid of the repetition and the hateful and non productive input. That is what I am thinking now. But I am going to do what works. That is all I can say for now.
I have just updated my About JWP subpage. I will continue to add to it. I will answer questions that are asked. I am an open book. I have a website at JohnWorldPeace.com, that is very extensive and will respond to almost all questions. I have been posting since posting began on the internet. I bought my first computer in 1981. There is all kinds of things I have written and there is unfortunately a lot of negativity about me available on any search engine. Of course some of it is true but most of it is not. 99% of it is anonymous.
I have signed my name to everything I have written. Those who are not willing to do that, really should be ignored. The internet is a virtual reality and bad people can be made to look righteous and good people can be made to look evil. The truth is hard to come by. But not impossible.
Dr John WorldPeace
November 16, 2014 1530 CST USA Update 170918