John WorldPeace

Attorney at Law
2620 Fountain View, Suite 106
Houston, Texas 77057
Tel. 713-784-7618 Fax. 713-784-9063



October 1, 2003

To: Joe Delgatto via fax at 713-862-5791

Session Members

(Benny Grable, Carol Parker, Irma Jenke, Joyce Wolter, Chris Blanco, Patty Ellis, Kelly Puckett, Jack Benson, Janet Mahon, Charlie Windham, Jeannine Christensen, Suzy Cisne)

via fax at 713-862-5791

Adm. Commission

Rev. Doug Harper, Chairman
Rev. Jerry Hurst - South Minster Presbyterian
Rev. Louise Row
Rev. John Hirling - Oaks Presbyterian
Roy Keezel, attorney at law - Grace Presbyterian
Leona Nickerson - University Presbyterian
Jeanie Flowers - St. Phillip Presbyterian
Jodie Harrington - South Minster Presbyterian

via fax at 713-526-8814

Lynn Johnson,

Stated Clerk of Presbytery of New Covenant via fax at 713-526-8814

and CMRRR # 7002 2410 0004 3246 5938

Mike Cole, General Presbyter via fax at 713-526-8814


Re: Requests to Become Members of Heights Presbyterian Church


Attached is mine and my wife’s formal requests to become members of Heights Presbyterian Church.

I have made this request to Joe Delgatto at a session meeting at Heights Presbyterian Church in October 2002. My wife and I also made this request to Delgatto and Roy Keezel in church on a Sunday morning in March 2003, of which I have a video tape. Also, I requested the same of Lynn Johnson and Mike Cole of which I also have a recording from the day of the congregational meeting.

Attached are the relevant documents.

Per the Book of Order G.5.0103 it states to wit:

The congregation shall welcome all persons who respond in trust and obedience to God’s grace in Jesus Christ and desire to become part of the membership and ministry of his Church. No persons shall be denied membership because of race, ethnic origin, worldly condition, or any other reason not related to profession of faith. Each member must seek the grace of openness in extending the fellowship of Christ to all persons. (G-9.0104) Failure to do so constitutes a rejection of Christ himself and causes a scandal to the gospel.



John WorldPeace

[WorldPeace World Peace] [WorldPeace World Peace] [WorldPeace World Peace] [WorldPeace World Peace] [WorldPeace World Peace]


How can we manifest peace on earth if we do not include everyone (all races, all nations, all religions, both sexes) in our vision of Peace?

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