Perry endorses Yzaguirre Whooping Crane Kill

First, I would like to acknowledge and congratulate Mr. Root for this report. This report just ended Perry's governorship.

Many times a seemingly insignificant fact ends the career of a politician and the following article has exposed a fact that will end the corrupt reign of Rick Perry.

That fact I am speaking of is that he appointed someone to the PUC who not only killed a Whooping Crane but whose first thought was to hide the evidence. The Whooping Cranes have been on the brink of extinction for a very long time. Virtually everyone in Texas holds their breath each year as they wait for the annual migration of these rare birds. These birds are the poster species for what is happening all over the earth, the extinction of irreplaceable wildlife.

The symbolism in Mr. Yzaguirre's case is even more dramatic. He was an employee of Enron, one of the most corrupt corporations that America has ever seen. He was a part of a group of sociopaths led by Ken Lay that have apathetically destroyed thousands of lives. And Rick Perry appointed this man just so he could continue to suck on the Enron Teat: just so he could add another 30 pieces of silver to his campaign chest.

PICTURE THIS: The campaign image that I am going to indelibly paint for the voters and place on my website is one of Perry taking 30 pieces of silver from a corrupt Ken Lay while turning his head from Mr. Yzaguirre who holds a dead whooping crane.

RICK PERRY IS FINISHED. Three days after Rick Perry abandoned God by refusing to attend the Return Prayer in School Rally in Palestine (of all places), Perry's political career has been terminated.

John WorldPeace
The next governor of Texas

December 20, 2001


Crime record altered on form of PUC chief 

Star-Telegram Austin Bureau 

AUSTIN - When Democrats were requesting public records about the background of the state's top utility regulator, aides to Gov. Rick Perry agreed to turn them over - but not before blanking out his criminal record, officials acknowledged Wednesday.

Public Utility Commission Chairman Max Yzaguirre disclosed three criminal incidents on his application form last summer. But none showed up on the copies that were provided to a consultant for Laredo oilman Tony Sanchez, a Democratic gubernatorial candidate.

"We had no idea that there was additional information there," said Democratic consultant Patrick Woodson. "It's stunning that they would leave off information on a page that clearly says it's open to the public records act. If they intentionally left it off, the governor has a lot of explaining to do."

Woodson was referring to the notice printed on the application for appointment: "All information is subject to open records requests."

Perry's spokeswoman Kathy Walt said the criminal background information was purposely left off because lawyers believed that it was exempt from disclosure. She said they then asked the attorney general to rule on the matter.

But after reflection, Walt said, aides agreed it was better to release the unedited file.

"We decided in the interest of full and open disclosure it should be in there," she said. Walt said she would happily provide the Sanchez campaign with an unedited copy.

The file reveals a 1983 arrest for suspicion of driving while intoxicated; it says the case was dismissed.

Yzaguirre also wrote on the form that he was "taken in with an intoxicated driver" while in college. He said he was fined and released. No date was provided concerning that incident.

Finally, Yzaguirre reported his indictment on charges of killing a rare whooping crane in 1989. He pleaded guilty to violating the federal Endangered Species Act and paid a fine of $15,000.

Yzaguirre said at the time that he mistook the crane for a goose in heavy fog. A federal official, however, said Yzaguirre first buried the bird and later turned himself in, according to an Associated Press account from 1989.

Yzaguirre could not be reached to comment late Wednesday.

Ray Sullivan, a senior Perry aide, said the incidents were not troubling because Yzaguirre was candid about them.

"The important thing is to be open and honest and fully disclose one's background." Sullivan said. "Appointments advisers can then make the best and right decisions."

Yzaguirre had come under fire a day earlier for his ties to failed energy giant Enron. He was president of Enron's Mexico division and held executive posts in several other Enron entities before becoming PUC chairman last summer.

Democrats contend that he is ineligible to serve because of laws designed to prevent conflicts of interest between the regulators and the companies they oversee.

During an exchange with reporters earlier Wednesday, Yzaguirre expressed outrage.

"I've got to tell you that I'm astounded that a gubernatorial candidate or his campaign would see fit to make a false and partisan attack on me," Yzaguirre said. "It's especially surprising that it comes from a fellow South Texan."

Sanchez, the Democratic candidate, is from Laredo, and Yzaguirre, appointed by the Republican governor, is from South Padre Island.

Perry strongly defended his appointee.

"I have full confidence that the attorneys that vetted Mr. Yzaguirre made the right decision," Perry said. "He was and still is qualified to serve on the Public Utility Commission."

Staff writer R.A. Dyer contributed to this report.

Jay Root, (512) 476-4294