RG, Morales, Barnes recite WorldPeace

I have interlineated my comments regarding the following RG article below. 

Mr. Ratcliffe has finally said everything that I said a long time ago. Somehow it miraculously became relevant when little tony morales stepped into the governor race. In fact, I think I should consider suing Mr. Ratcliffe and most of the rest of the state reporters for writing their articles from my espistles. Go to johnworldpeace.com and see if I am lying.

John WorldPeace
The next governor of Texas

January 4, 2002


Jan. 3, 2002, 11:17PM

Safeguarding tobacco money key for Morales 
Copyright 2002 Houston Chronicle Austin Bureau 

<<AUSTIN -- Former Attorney General Dan Morales said Thursday he abandoned a race for the U.S. Senate to run for governor because he wants to protect the state's $17.3 billion tobacco lawsuit settlement from being plundered by Republicans in 2003 to balance the state budget.>>
Really. I would like to known how those two things are connected. 

<<"I shed a lot of blood, sweat and tears to obtain that settlement," said Morales, saying he wants to protect the funds for public health care in Texas.>>
Yes and you almost got a big "under the table" payoff for it.

<<Morales noted that Republican Comptroller Carole Keeton Rylander is predicting the state will face a $5 billion budget deficit next year.>>
Just BS.

<<Morales said he could see a Republican-dominated Legislature dipping into the tobacco settlement to avoid a state tax increase. He said the money should be dedicated only to health care in Texas.>>
Oh, I see now. With Dan as governor, he is going to protect the tobacco money by increasing taxes. 

<<Morales was the House sponsor of a $6 billion tax increase signed into law by Republican Gov. Bill Clements in 1987. But he said it is too early to know whether a tax increase will be needed in 2003.>>
BS Dan. Your daddy Ben Barnes already let that cat out of the bag four days ago with Peggy Fikac. This is the Barnes-((Morales connection. Ole Ben just could not keep from letting everyone with a brain see that you had been to his house, taken his money and in so doing sold your soul to the devil. Just like his other mule Sanchez.

Here is ole Ben in Peggy's article: "Barnes avows no interest in seeking office again. He said he hopes to set the agenda for a realistic discussion of the state's circumstances among candidates.

"Leadership is telling the people the truth," he said. "I've got enough faith in the people that live in Texas that if you tell them the truth, that they'll do the right thing." 

He noted that state Comptroller Carole Keeton Rylander, a Republican he supports, has said lawmakers could face a $5 billion shortfall in 2003 to meet commitments in areas including teacher health insurance. 

"There's not going to be any way" to avoid a tax increase in the next session, Barnes said.

Barnes said he'll continue to advocate an increase in the gasoline tax, as well as other levies as part of the effort to turn around a state he believes is headed for mediocrity.

"Everybody can run and hide, and they're not going to talk about it in 2002 ; probably none of the candidates are. That's the reason that my Democratic friends are not going to like me making that speech any more than my Republican friends," he said. "Everybody wants to kill the messenger, and I'm sure a lot of people want to shoot me."

I wondered why this article came out. It was out of sync. The Dan filed and it all made sense. Ben was telling everyone that taxes were coming with a guy who knew how to get them through the legislature. He was undeniably talking about Dan the man.

<<"You cannot rule anything in, and you cannot rule anything out until you know precisely what our situation is," Morales said. "You should look to enhance revenue only as a last resort.">>
Dan you have been bought. Tell us how much.

<<Gov. Rick Perry, a Republican, and the other main Democrat seeking the party's gubernatorial nomination, Tony Sanchez, have played down the need for a tax increase in the next legislative session. As a member of the Texas House in 1987, Perry voted for the tax increase carried by Morales.>>
Yes. They are all for new taxes. Not WorldPeace.

<<Other Democrats in the race include businessman Bill Lyon of Waxahachie and John WorldPeace of Houston. Perry is unopposed in the Republican primary.>>
Thanks for the plug RG.

<<Morales had for months promoted himself as a candidate for U.S. Senate, but he said Texas Democrats repeatedly asked him to consider a run for governor. He said he decided that with his experience in the Legislature and as attorney general from 1991 to 1998 he could better serve Texas as governor.>>
Dan you can better serve Texas from Alaska or Mexico.

<<"In terms of my personal experience and expertise ... I have been state-oriented," Morales said.>>
Yes you have focused on state monies and how you could put them in your pocket.

<<When asked whether he jumped into the governor's race as part of a legal ploy to thwart a federal investigation of his role in the tobacco settlement, Morales said, "Absolutely not.">>
Someone will have to explain how his entrance in the governor's race could stop anything.

<<A federal grand jury has been investigating whether Morales tried to improperly steer $260 million in legal fees to an old friend in the settlement. Morales has denied any wrongdoing.>>
OJ did not kill Nicole either. And $260 million is a lot of money.

<<Morales said he does not think the tobacco investigation will be an issue.>>
Then he is an idiot. Or he is listening to Ben Barnes. Barnes told Akins no one would run against him as Land Commissioner. Surprise.


<<He said after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, the public is not in the mood for a campaign of character assaults.>>
No Dan, you have that wrong. They are not for godless corrupt public theives running for governor.

<<Morales said his move into the governor's race is not a reflection on Sanchez.>>
On the contrary, Morales is just a smaller reflection of Sanchez. It is like Morales is looking into a mirror when he looks at Sanchez.

<<Sanchez, a Laredo millionaire, had been recruited by many party leaders to enter the race. But some party stalwarts dislike Sanchez because he heavily funded Republican George W. Bush's rise from Texas governor to president.>>
How many times did I tell you that RG. Did it take Morales to get you to see it? 

<<Texas Republican Chairman Susan Weddington told reporters she believes Morales represents a Democratic grass-roots "rebellion" over attempts by party leaders to put together a ticket with black former Dallas Mayor Ron Kirk for U.S. Senate, Sanchez for governor and Anglo former Comptroller John Sharp for lieutenant governor.>>
Sue this is about stopping WorldPeace because WorldPeace is going to stop the corruption in Texas. This is between Barnes and WorldPeace for control of the state. Morales has been paid to take the place of Sanchez. They are going to have a kissy fight and then Tony is going to get out "for the good of the Party". Did I quote Akins right?

<<"I see them as having tried to bring together, if you will, a Gucci ticket ... and they forgot about the little guy," Weddington said.>>
Sue the Republican Party would not know a little guy if they saw one. Hint: They are the people who serve you at the fund raisers.

<<"This was a grass roots that was not set on fire by Tony Sanchez, and that left an opening.">>
Not set on fire. The art of understatement. Tony was DOA when he was recruited.

<<Morales said a contest between him and Sanchez will offer a contrast on issues and will be good for the party.>>
Dan, Tony only has one issue, education. His prayer issued died. He remembered his god was money. And your issue is stealing money. Issues are what I have on my web page.

<<"It will energize the base," Morales said.>>
The debased you mean. The thieves and crooks that you nurtured in the Capitol.

<<"We're Democrats. We run for the offices we want to hold," he said. "You ought to have to fight for the offices you want to hold.">>
Dan, go fight Sanchez. You only have a week or two before he is out. 

<<Morales left office with about $1.2 million in his campaign account. He has been spending some of it on his legal fees in the federal investigation. He declined to say what he had left, but said he will have an "adequate" amount to run a primary campaign.>>
Yes, because Barnes has the cash ready to plug into his account and Tony will leave a $1 million out of good will and Party unity when he gets out.

<<Morales said he will outline a platform for his campaign when he makes his formal announcement Saturday in his hometown of San Antonio.>>

<<Morales said his experience of working with Clements when he was in the Legislature made him realize a political balance of power is good.>>
So you are a Republican also. It figures.

<<"It is likely the Legislature will be Republican in both chambers," Morales said. "I think it is smart politics to have a Democratic governor to balance the Legislature.">>
Actually, I think a Democratic House, Senate and Governor works better.