Subj: To Mike Cole - Mene Tekel Peres 
Date: 6/9/2003 5:01:57 PM Central America Standard Time
From: John WorldPeace

John WorldPeace
Attorney at Law
2620 Fountain View, Suite 106
Houston, Texas 77057
Tel. 713-784-7618 Fax. 713-784-9063

June 9, 2003

To:      Mike Cole

Re:      Administrative Commission Meeting on Thursday, June 12, 2003

By tomorrow, I will have two thirty page documents filed in the court in response to the lies that Reagan Brown has foisted on the court in his status report to the court and in his March 24, 2003, interim report to the congregation.  I have been waiting for his status report to the court before filing anything else with the court.

I want you to know that everything you and your henchmen do is going to be reported on my web page at  Your reign of corruption and bad faith is at an end.

I want you to understand that in a very short time my email list will include 13,000 names.  That will include all the churches, Presbyteries, Synods and the General Assembly.  You are not going to be able to complete one corrupt act without it being reported.  I am going to make you infamous.

You will abide by the Book of Order or you will be retired.  If you keep on with your corruption it will not be long before you become a pariah along with Joe Delgatto and both of you will become constant examples to other men and women of evil intent who are abominations to Christ through their bad acts.

I think you have forgotten who you work for.  Like Jesus said, "you can tell a tree by its fruit" and bad trees are fit only to be cut down and thrown into the fire (metaphorically speaking).  You are part of the cancer that has infected the Presbyterian Church and which must be purged from the body of Christ before the church becomes terminal.

Mene Tekel Peres,




How can we manifest peace on earth if we do not include everyone (all races, all nations, all religions, both sexes) in our vision of Peace?

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