John WorldPeace
Attorney at Law
2620 Fountain View, Suite 106
Houston, Texas 77057
Tel. 713-784-7618 Fax. 713-784-9063

July 9, 2003

To: The concerned members of Heights Presbyterian Church

Re: Update on events at Heights Presbyterian Church

1) The feedback from the people who visited with the Investigatory Commission regarding Joe Delgatto have communicated with me about their experiences with that Commission. The truth is that it was just another 'dog and pony show'. Four of the five members of this Commission, the fifth member has made it clear that he does not intend to participate, seem to be more friendly than the members of the Administrative Commission. However, the goals and objectives have been the same, which is to tell everybody in the congregation that Joe is a great guy and is doing a great job and that the congregation is not split and that everything is wonderful at Heights Presbyterian Church.

Several people have said that the Investigatory Commission focused upon the complaint form that I had drafted after I talked to most of the concerned members of the congregation about the complaints and accusations they had about what was going on at the church. I compiled that comprehensive list. The Investigatory Commission is trying to indicate that I dreamed up all of these various allegations and charges against Joe.

One particular member of the Investigatory Committee said that Joe was being persecuted. The focus on the form is ridiculous because each individual member checked the various line items without my knowing personally what each person checked; different areas that they were concerned about and different areas that they personally witnessed. In addition, the majority of people wrote additional things on the form that they were concerned about. These documents were handed over to the Administrative Commission in late February and early March. It was June before anything was done about those complaints and accusations. Had I not set up my web site:, there probably still would not be an investigation. I set up the web page on Saturday and the investigation was announced on Tuesday.

The Investigatory Commission continues to repeat the lie that comes from Presbytery regarding the allegation that no money is to be expended by Heights Presbyterian Church for the Independence Heights Project. That is an absolute lie and I hope to have that proof to you shortly. The question to the Investigatory Commission is not whether Heights Presbyterian Church is obligated to the Independence Heights Project, the question is about Joe's lying about the Independence Heights Project to the congregation for almost two years. The problem is that Joe cannot be trusted. Joe continued to tell one lie after another. Even after the lawsuit was filed, Joe continued to sign documents through which he attempted to obligate the church to the project.

The one question that was asked by the Investigatory Commission which is a legitimate question was "can the church heal with Joe still as minister?" The answer is absolutely not. The problems at Heights Presbyterian Church have been going on for several years, essentially ever since Patty Ellis showed up. Joe has no inclination to heal the church.

The Administrative Commission was appointed to take over the administration of the church five months ago. We are now into July and the Administrative Commission has done nothing except make matters worse. Joe has certainly had no inclination to reach out to the congregational members who are upset with him. The Administrative Commission has strictly focused on stopping my mother, Joyce Wolter, and myself, although they continue to refuse to sign off on any affidavits regarding the lies that they tell about the project and other things that they are doing. The truth is that they are doing absolutely nothing except pushing the Independence Heights Project.

2) I would point out that during Joe's sermon on Sunday, June 20th, he stated that he was not one of those ministers who questions the financial condition of the church as soon as he arrives at the church. There are several people who are in the know who and are prepared to testify that this is in fact the first thing that Joe asked when he came to Heights Presbyterian Church. Again, the way you tell if Joe is lying is to see whether his lips are moving.

3) I have looked at the farse of a remodeling job in the fellowship hall. I have enclosed a picture of the hallway outside of Joe's offices in the Fellowship Hall. This is a picture of the light fixtures in that hallway that were apparently put in by John Blanco. You can see the crookedness of the lights and I can tell you that I have never seen such a ridiculous attempt at putting lighting in a building.

In regards to the much touted closets in the Fellowship Hall, these represent more shoddy work. I think anybody with a brain knows that when you put out a statement in the church bulletin: "Attention: Someone has been tampering with the closet doors in the Fellowship Hall. This is very dangerous to those who use them. If you know who is doing this please let our office staff know”, you are admitting your incompetence.

It is absolutely ridiculous that somebody would build a closet to hold chairs and tables and then be so ridiculous as to admit that the structure and the stacking of the chairs is literally dangerous. Consequently, the closets need to be torn down by John Blanco and he needs to pay back the $1,300 that he took from the church to build this hazard.

I would also point out that if you look at the chair rack on the inside of the closet, the shelves are not level nor are they square and the saw cuts are not even sanded. This is a very shoddy workmanship. In addition, if you look at the top of the folding doors on the enclosure you can tell that those doors were sawed from the wrong side. When you use a circular saw you have to cut from the side that you are not going to expose to the outside because otherwise you will get the effect that you have on those doors; the masonite is chipped all the way across the top. Further, there was no effort to sand down the chipped part. Nor was there any attempt to paint over it. Nor was there any attempt to paint the inside wood of the opening. That should have been done before the door rails were put on.

The Administrative Commission is not attached to the church. They could care less as to what quality of workmanship goes into anything that takes place at the church. It is an unfortunate situation that apparently a couple of people have been put in charge of these projects and their knowledge is non existent. Consequently, we have a church that is being remodeled by people who do not have the skills nor the desire to do a job that is comparable to the workmanship that was done on the building itself.

The unfortunate thing is that in a normal church the session would be looking at these things. The members of the church who are represented by all session members could have had some input. They could have discussed the design of this project which now has a danger sign attached to it. Something workable could have been made instead of something dangerous. No consideration was given to the fact that over half of the congregation is over 70 years old and are not able to handle these chairs and tables that have now become almost completely inaccessible due to somebody's brain child. It appears that this is an Alice Grabbel and Barbara Puckett fiasco.

4) We were told yesterday that Michael Cole is going to speak on the day of the centenial. I hope that Mr. Cole does not say anything stupid because those stupid statements that he makes from the pulpit are going to be challenged. We do not need to sit back while Cole tells us that everything is great and Joe is a good guy. What is going on in the church: the membership is closed, Delgatto and Cole have violated the Book of Order, there is corruption in the Independent Heights Project, and Heights Presbyterian Church is spending over $10,000 a month more than it is bringing in and Barbara Puckett and Charlie Windham are trying to get their hands on the last $200,000.

5) I understand that Sheila Jackson Lee is also planning on showing up on that particular day. It is my hope that she too does not make any ridiculous and stupid statements by congratulating the congregation on the Independence Heights Project, which hopefully will be shut down by that time. I hope that she does not get up and congratulate the congregation for this project when the congregation did not have a single thing to do with it; when it was the corruption of Tom Lord to whom she gave an honorary plaque. (See attached letter to Shelia Jackson-Lee).

6) In regards to the Independence Heights Project. I would reiterate that this project was developed in complete secrecy. Many of you remember Joe's effort to keep me out of the session meetings about this project and has refused to have a congregational meeting on this project. Joe's admission in open court that he had no authority to commit Heights Presbyterian Church to the Independence Heights Project. The statements that my mother and I are racist and yet the All Saints Catholic Church and St. Andrews Episcopal Church refused to participate in the corrupt Independence Heights Project. I suppose that the truth is that they too are racist.

I want to assure each and every one of you that we will get to the bottom of this corruption and that we will get the truth regardless of how long it takes. For me, the longer that this project goes on, the more lies that are being told and the more things that are going to have to be answered for.

I would also like to point out to you, that the most important evidence of corruption in this project is the refusal of All Saints Catholic Church and St. Andrews Episcopal Church to participate. But in addition to that there are no signed affidavits by Michael Cole, anybody at Presbytery, anybody in the Administrative Commission. Not a single person has stepped up and signed an affidavit swearing that Heights Presbyterian Church is not obligated to this project and the reason that they have not done this is because it is an absolute lie and they know it.

It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that people who refuse to sign affidavits are lying. That especially goes for Reagan Brown, attorney for the Presbytery. Brown is putting his Bar license in jeopardy by continuing to spread these lies. Everyone who is part of this conspiracy is being very careful not to sign any documents because they know good and well that in the end there is a good chance that some people going to jail.

I sent some documents out last week which are requests for information from the parties in the lawsuit.

The court is refusing to do anything until September 8, 2003.

7) The happenings at Heights Presbyterian Church are quite unfortunate. Joe Delgatto is the worst excuse for a minister that probably exists in the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. and yet the Presbyterian Preachers Union has solidly locked arms in support of him. They have taken up his lies and they have determined that they will maintain Joe in his position. I am determined that justice will be done and that the lies will come to light and that Joe will be sent away from Heights Presbyterian Church so that we can get another minister who can heal the church. That is hoping that the Administrative Commission does not break the financial back of the church in the mean time with their deliberate acts of spending twice as much as the money that is coming in. However, we can only deal with these problems one at a time.

In Jesus Name,


[WorldPeace World Peace]


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