Attorney at Law
2620 Fountain View, Suite 106
Houston, Texas 77057
Tel. 713-784-7618 Fax. 713-784-9063
September 29, 2003
To: The concerned members of Heights Presbyterian
Re: Passing the threshold into a new day
1) I think we all felt a sense of peace flow through the church yesterday
that has not been present for many years. That peace had to do with the
presence of the senior members of the church who came to the church out of
concern for its future and a communal desire to put the church back together.
What you felt yesterday was the rebirth of a congregation and a exiting of some
of the darkness that has possessed the church for the last three or four years
and was symbolized by the Satanic Pentagram that was painted on the side of the
church and which Delgatto and Walter Ellis determined would not be removed.
A new day is dawning at Heights Presbyterian Church and it is not due to the
Administrative Commission or Delgatto or the Ellis's. It is due to faith
and prayers and a commitment by the seniors at the church. Yesterday there
was a quiet affirmation that this is the church of Jesus Christ and that the
resident evil that has gripped the church will be purged.
2) I deliberately said nothing yesterday. I deliberately allowed John
Hirling, Lynn Johnson, Chuck Johnson, Ms. Flowers, Roy Keezel and Louise Rowe of
the Administrative Commission to show their true colors and their intent.
What we saw was that John Hirling like Joe Delgatto is on his way out as a
minister of the Presbyterian Church. John Hirling thinks that he can stand
in what I consider a sacred pulpit of Jesus and lie without having to account
for those lies. You saw the face of darkness in the presence of John
When asked by Willard why it was a member of Patty's class was on the nominating
committee, Hirling said that the session made the decision. That was a lie
because there has only been one thirty minute open session meeting since the
Administrative Commission took over in February. There have been two other
session meetings where the first and second interim reports were handed down.
John Hirling is on the Administrative Commission and is the one who told my
mother in her living room that if she did not drop the lawsuit she would be
dealt with. (Presently, they are trying to remove her from the session
mostly due to the corrupt acts of Roy Keezel.) John Hirling said he knew
nothing about the locking out of the senior members of the church. He was
questioned about it twice and twice he lied. He just ignored the fact that
Jesus was standing beside him as he chose to tell these lies and ignored the
fact that Heights has been reclaimed by the good people who have supported it
and loved it for the last six decades. Hirling was given a chance to do
the right thing and he chose to lie while in his sacred robes and in the sacred
pulpit. And for those lies his career will be terminated.
John Hirling refused to open the annual congregation meeting for a discussion of
the problems in the church. I did not confront him because I wanted to
make sure than anything and everything that happened at the meeting would rest
on his shoulders. I wanted to make sure that he would not have me to blame
for his bad acts. Contrary to what Mr. Hirling said, as a man who deals
with conflict resolution every single day of my life as an attorney, conflict is
not resolved by refusing to discuss it. Conflict is resolved like lancing
a boil. You open it up and let the poison flow out. When the
majority of the poison is removed, then the body begins to heal. This is
what has been happening on my web page. All the ghosts have been venting
their poison and I have been airing it. And the truth is that these ghosts
have nothing left to say.
The ghosts have had every single one of their questions to me answered.
Yet they have refused to answer a single one of the 75 questions I posed on
August 25th. In addition, they have not produced a single lie that I have
told even though they continue to say that I have lied. I have not lied
about anything.
John Hirling made a statement that he did not want to get into the real issues
that was dividing the church because it would have caused conflict. The truth is
that John Hirling knows that he and the Administrative Committee, Mike Cole and
Lynn Johnson from Presbytery, Joe Delgatto and the Patty Ellis conspirators know
that they have lied and infected the church with their corruption which cannot
stand the light of an open discussion. He knows from reading my web page
that their lies are nothing more than smoke and mirrors to hide the resident
evil that they represent. The truth is the truth and when you reside in
darkness, the darkness becomes your truth and light is what you fear.
When given the power and authority and opportunity to do the right thing, John
Hirling chose to continue to do wrong and chose to lie in the name of Jesus and
from the pulpit that Jesus established for his disciples. And for this,
John Hirling and all those he represents have condemned themselves. But
the good news is that our church will soon be purged of the resident evil that
seemed to have had a choke hold and death grip on it a eighteen months ago.
3) I am still pointed to as the one who along with my mother has caused
all the problems at Heights. Yesterday, the corruptors saw that they were
out numbered by those of us who are determined to preserve the legacy of the
church as well as giving it a new birth. You can rest assured that a head
count was taken yesterday and the corruptors realized that those of us who are
determined to put the church back on track can call for a vote on almost any
issue and win that vote. I did not stand up yesterday because Mr. Hirling
stated for the record, of which I have a recording, that as moderator he was
deliberately ignoring the Book of Order and Robert's Rules of Order and denying
any discussion other than about the nominations. That statement stops them
from saying that the members of the church had no complaints. That
statement said that he would stop any discussion and he would use the uniformed
policeman to enforce his corrupt ruling. These are not his exact words but
this was his message and it was endorsed by the Stated Clerk of the Presbytery,
Lynn Johnson, who did not correct him.
4) The corruptors and ghosts have said over and over that I am losing this
battle based on a bad ruling from the court. Well as I have said, Patty
and Joe no longer rule the church with an iron fist unopposed. The money
that the church has is accounted for to a large extent and is protected from
further waste and theft. There has been an open admission by the
Administrative Commission that the church cannot continue to spend $10,000 per
month more than it brings in and not go bankrupt. And most importantly,
Joe Delgatto, has stated that he INTENDS to leave. This is not a flat out
commitment. It is a half commitment and a hedge. Knowing that the
court's ruling will be reversed in time, the reality is that the church has gone
through some very positive changes since the lawsuit was filed.
You have no idea how much anger I have about the lies that Hirling spewed from
the pulpit. I can assure you that the lawsuit will go forward now with a
vengeance and we will have an accounting and we will in one way or another
remove ourselves from the corrupt Independence Heights Project. (By the way, I
predict that due to the shoddy construction, that sometime just before
completion the Independence Heights Project will burn down. This way the
insurance can be collected, all the corrupt profits can be made and the evidence
sent up in smoke. We'll see. In my years in the insurance,
accounting and law business, I have seen this happen often. The fire
department will tell you that 95% of all commercial fires are arson.)
Further, I intend to move deliberately to have Joe gone by December 31, 2003, so
that his presence does not infect another year at Heights. His retirement
statement is one that was enforced on him by the Administrative Commission
because they recognize his corruption and they realize that the church will
never begin to heal until he is gone. Delgatto is coming to this end by
his own corrupt choices over the last three or four years. Last year I
told him that he would be terminated due to his bad acts. Now you are
seeing it happening. But believe me Joe has much to account for and his
troubles will not end when he leaves Heights.
When Joe is leaves, Patty and her family will soon follow. Joe and Patty
had a symbiotic relationship and one cannot survive without the other. I
can assure you that part of the motivation of my web page was to send thundering
message to any future minister of Heights as to what happens when you become the
leader of part of a congregation, especially when the part you align yourself
with is a source of darkness and wrong doing. My web page will be a
constant reminder to those who would lead our church that arrogance and kingship
will not be tolerated. Heights church is on its way to returning to a
democratic form of stewardship as opposed to a fascist dictatorship founded on
darkness and evil.
5) After Joe leaves, then the Presbytery must be purged from our presence.
These people have done nothing but lie to us (more on this below). They
have aligned themselves behind the corruption and only due to the lawsuit have
they been forced to do the right thing.
These corruptors do not understand the Book of Order nor do they believe in the
Holy Bible that they quote. It is undeniable that Joe, Patty and her
posse, Mike Cole and Lynn Johnson of Presbytery, and others have closed the
membership of the church. More specifically they have closed the
membership to me in particular. The Book of Order of the Presbyterian
Church specifically states that to deny membership to anyone based on anything
other that a non belief in Jesus is a REJECTION OF CHRIST AND A SCANDAL ON THE
Again, when you come from a place of darkness, you do not understand that the
divine order of the universe will not tolerate standing in Christ's church and
doing evil. For a year and a half there has been a concerted effort to
stop me from becoming a member of HPC by the resident evil at the church.
Joe Delgatto, Mike Cole, Lynn Johnson and every single individual member of the
Administrative Commission, bureaucrats of the Presbyterian Church, have
undeniably turned their backs on Jesus Christ our Lord and in their arrogance
closed the membership to our church. I can assure you that Jesus has not
missed nor has he determined to allow this rejection of his holy word to
continue indifinitely.
The veil of darkness is being removed from Heights Church and I can assure you
that if the membership is not immediately opened there is going to be a purging
of the church bureaucracy of which Joe Delgatto is going to be the first to go.
You cannot take a solemn ministerial oath to God and Christ and then commit evil
in his name. If anyone believes the Bible and the lessons it teaches over
and over about the wages of darkness, then you must believe that God's justice
is close at hand. There is no way that Joe Delgatto, Roy Keezel, Mike
Cole, and Lynn Johnson who I have personally asked to be a member of the church
can justify their determined efforts to stop me from REACTIVATING my membership.
Each of these people have received my affirmation of a belief in Jesus as well
as the documentation that proves I was a member as well as the testimony of many
of you that from 1948 to 1972 I faithfully attended our church.
Only the most corrupt bureaucrats serving their own personal interest and
fostering the dark ways of evil could block my membership. Every week I
write in the ritual of friendship (which has returned to the pews since I made
an issue of it) "J & K WorldPeace banned from membership by Joe
Delgatto and Mike Cole." I also wrote that in the guest book in the
Narthex and I noticed that the guest book had been removed because of the shame
of those who have blocked my membership. As long as I am a guest, I will
continue to write the same thing in the guess book periodically so that every
page will be a testament to the undeniable evil that has had a choke hold on
this congregation for the last four years.
As God and Jesus are my witnesses, I am not wrong in this matter. Evil has
closed the membership of the church and any member or bureaucrat who supports
that closure has rejected Christ and scandalizes His gospel. Every day
that goes by, every day that the membership remains closed is a fresh assault
upon the church and upon Jesus himself. I have Roy Keezel in the pulpit
along with Joe Delgatto rejecting my membership and I have Mike Cole on tape the
day of the 100th anniversary rejecting my membership. Their denial is
documented and something for which they will be held accountable in the very
near future. To lead the congregation of Christ's church away from Christ
is abominable.
6) I have reviewed all the financial documents that have been given out
and I would show you now concrete examples of the lies that have been told in
the name of Jesus to the congregation and to the court by the Administrative
A. If you look at page 11 of the Second Interim Report you will see that
by the end of 1995 there was $675,000 that had been received by the church from
the Fakes estate. Then from page 11 to page 13 number 4 it states that
between December 1995 and December 1999, a period of four years, that $192,000
was spent on making up the church deficits and major repairs.
When you go to page 5 of Exhibit "A" of the second interim report, at
the bottom left of the page you see that the total cash remaining in December
1999 was $660,000.
So what is interesting is that between December 1995 and December 1999 the Fakes
money was only reduced by $15,000. Now applying a little math you have the
Balance as of December
Expense between 12/95 and
.. <$192,000>
Balance as of December
The interest and dividend income
Between 12/95 and 12/99 must have
Been at
Now on page seven of the Congregational Report for 1999
It shows that the amount of interest earned at Compass Bank
.$ 7,750
And on page eight it shows that the interest/dividends earned
On the deposits at Nations Securities was
Total interest and dividends for 1999 was
Now $83,803 from $177,000
And what we are to derive is that for the years 1996, 1997 and 1998 the average
interest was $93,197 divided by 3 or $31,065 per year. Now are we to
believe that the interest and dividends for 1999 was almost as much as the three
prior years on the same amount of money? The answer is no.
So we have to wonder what was the real amount of interest and dividend income
for the years 1996, 1997 and 1998. We have to wonder why the
Administrative Commission just slopped some expense numbers together. And
isn't it interesting that the Administrative Commission refused to give any real
numbers for those years as well as 1999.
Here is a possible scenario without actual numbers from the Administrative
Commission. There are two ways to increase an investment account, a)
through actual interest and dividends paid on the investment and b) the increase
in the value of the investment. So in addition to the interest and
dividend payments there is the increasing value of the investment itself, ie the
increasing market value of the stocks, bonds, etc.
Without seeing the investment accounts for those years, we do not know exactly
what these numbers are. And with the lies and secrecy that has existed
around every financial document request that I have made, you really have to
wonder exactly how much money was earned in those years. And as you have
already seen and will see in two more examples below, we cannot trust the
numbers that the Administrative Commission has given us.
Plus you have to remember there has not been an audit since Joe Delgatto came to
HPC in November 1997. There is no question but that something is being
hidden by the Administrative Commission and Joe and his coconspirators.
B. Regarding the 2002 financial statement per the September 2, 2003 Second
Interim Report and the 2002 Annual financial report to the congregation that was
given out three weeks later on September 28, 2003.
On page 3 of Exhibit "A" of the Second Interim Report it says that the
total expenses were $203,358 but on page 7 of the 2002 Annual Report it is
$190,252. This is a $13,000 difference. It also shows you the
worthlessness of the CPA statement that came with the Second Interim Report.
That cover letter said the CPA firm only added up what was given it by the
Administrative Commission. Well these expense numbers vary by 7% from one
report to the other and within three weeks of each other. Now can anyone
imagine what would happen to the economy if things were only 93% accurate?
The real numbers would not vary from report to report and I think we all know
On page 3 of Exhibit "A" of the Second Interim Report it says that the
Total Revenues was $61,447 but on page 6 of the 2002 Annual Report it says that
the income was $205,144. Now these numbers are comparing apples and
oranges and this was done purposely to confuse you. So let me adjust the
$205,144 for you .
Less cash received which is not income
Bank of
Money Market
Plus investment income
Edward Jones per page 5 of the 2002 Annual
Less loss in the Bank of America account per page 5 of the 2002 Annual
Now what is interesting is that the loss reported on page 3 of Exhibit
of the Second Interim Report was <$65,854>. This is a $8,000
difference between
the two reports. Why?
The adjusted 2002 Annual Report income number is
The difference between the two reports is $5,467 which is a 10% difference and
the reports are therefore only 90% accurate.
Financial Summary: The reality is that "figures do not lie but liars
figure." The reality is that two financial reports issued by the
Administrative Commission within three weeks of each other do not match.
There are no investment account numbers for 1997, 1998 and 1999 nor are there
any accounting numbers for those years nor is there a statement as to why those
numbers are not available. In addition, there has been no audit since Joe
Delgatto arrived at HPC. Lastly, the CPA's involvement was worthless.
In a nutshell, we need a full audit with all the numbers accounted for and not a
manufactured financial statement.
7) If Joe is leaving, then a committee should be immediately appointed to
search for another minister. I would remind you that it took 18 months to
find Joe who was the best of a bad crop of applicants. When Joe
goes, the budget will be relieved of a $5,000 monthly burden. We can rent
a preacher each week for less than half of that. If the Administrative
Commission does not appoint a minister nominating committee, then Joe's INTENDED
resignation is just another lie.
There is no way the congregation can heal until Joe is gone and we all know
8) I intend to seek a position on the session for next year. I think
that after I put some additional pressure on Mike Cole, he will have to open the
membership and reactivate my membership. Regardless of what the nominating
committee does, there can be nominations from the floor and my name can be
submitted at that time. I feel that I have enough support to be elected to
a place on the session. I am interested in your input on this matter.
9) Again, I want to thank all of you for your dedication to purging the
darkness from HPC. I want to thank you for your patience in this long
battle that may well go on for another year. I want to thank you for your
decades of devotion in good times and bad that has established a hundred year
legacy in Christ's name. Many of you are honoring the memory of your
parents who were also members. In the end, truth and justice will prevail
and the corruption and darkness will be cast out.
Very sincerely,
How can we manifest peace on
earth if we do not include everyone (all races, all nations, all religions, both
sexes) in our vision of Peace?
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