John, First I'd like to say I like your art, it's very moving. > Thank you. I also came across your site about a week ago, and well at first I was
absolutely against it > Well the problem with Christianity is the religious bureaucracy that feeds off of Jesus. And that also includes the billion dollar Jesus shows that compete with the other entertainment on the TV. John Hagge is just a egocentric windbag who uses Jesus to promote John Hagge. All religions choke off the message of their founders because the bureaucracies must first preserve the bureaucracy and second spread the message of Jesus. John Hagge has to pay for all the TV time and so he has to sell a little "snake oil" to keep his gluttonous face on the airwaves. Jesus said that the two basic laws were to love God and to love one another. If you hold to these two principles and look past the, for the most part, corrupt religious bureaucracies which are little more than preacher unions, then you should be able to easily find you way and reconnect with your faith in God. Don't let the worldly institution of the church bureaucracy convince you that religion and God are the same thing. Religion refers mostly to the man made bureaucracies that give lip service to Jesus but in reality put more effort into preserving the bureaucracy than spreading the word of Jesus. Spirituality is a knowing that there is more to life than the physical reality. It is a knowing that there is an all inclusive oneness of all human beings on a spiritual level. Jesus had no church. He only had a message. Jesus did not have a billion dollar TV show. Jesus did not live in a mansion. Jesus did not wear $2,000 suits. Now you know the difference between Jesus and tele-evangelist and between Jesus and most preachers. I find the fact that Bush refers to himself as being a Christian
almost degrading. > If Bush did not need the Christian votes, I doubt that he would give Jesus a mention. He says he is a reformed alcoholic. He says Jesus saved him. I guess Jesus saved him to start world war three. In fact, I've taken part in a couple of peace rallies here in San
Antonio (where I live) and I get called > Well, we will see what they say when their brothers and sons start coming home in body bags. They will have to ask themselves if the price of cheap gas was worth it. I believe that there are many things in this world that are wrong. I
don't necessarily agree with abortion, however, I do feel that it should not be
outlawed, as people do have a choice. > Once the fetus is developed enough to live outside the womb, abortion should be prohibited. I think that would be at the beginning of the eighth month of pregnancy. It is interesting to me that many of the conservative people who are pro-lifersd
are also pro-war. I guess they want to save all those babies to eventually
go fight in America's future wars. > Something else that is interesting about these pro-lifers is that for
the most part they are anti-welfare. In other words, they do not want a
child aborted but they do not want to support it once it is born. > The vote has always been manipulated. The electronic
system can also be manipulated. If people knew the truth about voting,
especially in the local elections, there would be another revolution. WorldPeace How can we manifest peace on earth if we do not include everyone (all races, all nations, all religions, both sexes) in our vision of Peace? ![]() The WorldPeace Banner To the John WorldPeace Galleries Page
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