tell loud lies, then whisper apologies ROBERT SCHEER The brainwashing of Americans, two-thirds of whom believe Saddam Hussein was behind the attacks, is too effective a political ploy for the Bush regime to suddenly let the truth get in the way. "We know (Iraq) had a great deal to do with terrorism in general and with Al Qaeda in particular and we know a great many of (Osama) bin Laden's key lieutenants are now trying to organize in co-operation with old loyalists from the Saddam regime," Wolfowitz told ABC on this year's 9/11 anniversary.We know nothing of the sort, of course, and the next day Wolfowitz was forced to admit it. He told Associated Press that his remarks referred not to a "great many" of bin Laden's lieutenants but rather to a single Jordanian, Abu Musab Zarqawi. "(I) should have been more precise," Wolfowitz admitted. Even if the leaders of the Bush team were half as smart as they think they are, it would be amazing that they "misspoke" as often as they have. The pattern is clear: Say what you want people to believe for the front page and on TV, then whisper a half-hearted correction or apology that slips under the radar. It is really quite ingenious in its cynical effectiveness, and Wolfowitz's latest performance is a classic example — even his correction needs correcting. The Zarqawi connection has been a red herring since Colin Powell emphasized it in his prewar presentation to the U.N. Security Council, telling the world how Zarqawi was running a chemical weapons lab. Problem was, the site was not in Iraqi control but was in the U.S.-patrolled no-fly zone. When reporters visited it in the days immediately after Powell's speech, they found nothing that indicated anything like a chemical weapons lab. The fundamentalist militia known as Ansar al Islam that controlled the area, meanwhile, was supported by Saddam's enemies in Iran. Nor has any evidence of connections between Ansar al Islam and Saddam's regime surfaced since the U.S invasion, as Wolfowitz conceded in congressional testimony. At that same Senate hearing, Vincent Cannistraro, formerly CIA director of counter-terrorism operations and analysis, testified: "There was no substantive intelligence information linking Saddam to international terrorism before the war. Now, we've created the conditions that have made Iraq the place to come to attack Americans." So, Wolfowitz and the administration might prove to be right after all. Not about Iraq's ties with bin Laden before the invasion. Nor about the nonexistent weapons of mass destruction the president used to scare up support for war. But by turning its claim that Iraq is the "central front" in the war on terrorism into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Without this claim, the president's men would be revealed as imperial adventurers who wasted lives and resources to redraw the map of the world. That scheme, including "pre-emptive military intervention," can be traced to a Planning Guidance document prepared by Wolfowitz in 1992 when he was Dick Cheney's undersecretary of defence. Thus, it was not too surprising that the
bodies recovered after the 9/11 attacks were barely in the ground before Cheney
and Wolfowitz were arguing that a proper response was to go after Iraq —
whether or not it had anything to do with the plot.
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