nightmare unfolds Bush should fire Baghdad point man Bremer and ask the United Nations to take over the beleaguered country HAROON
SIDDIQUI Yet today, an anti-occupation insurrection is roiling across Iraq's Shiite
Just as George W. Bush turned worldwide post-9/11 sympathy for America into
anger, American troops have turned whatever goodwill they had engendered into
outright hostility.
Just as Bush's main reasons for the war turned out to be bogus, the
explanations proffered by the American troops for their mounting troubles in
Iraq have been delusory. In maintaining that the occupation was popular and resistance to it limited
to "enemies of freedom," America has been blaming, variously, "Baathist
bitter-enders," Iranian or Syrian "agent provocateurs,"
Islamists (homegrown and foreign), anti-Shiite Al Qaeda Sunni terrorists, and
"Saddamists in the Sunni triangle."
The fallacy of such propaganda stands exposed today as Iraqi resistance is
clearly coalescing into what looks like a burgeoning national war of liberation
by both the Shiite majority and Sunni minority.
This past week — in which about three dozen foreigners and 250 Iraqis have
been killed — shows how Americans have not learned a thing from their botched
Trouble was brewing in Falluja long before the world saw barbaric scenes of
four murdered Americans being mutilated.
The Marines, who had taken over the city mid-March and vowed to pacify it,
had been mounting day and night raids last week.
"Rockets from helicopter gunships had punctured bedroom walls. Patio
floors and front gates were pockmarked by shrapnel. Car doors looked like
sieves. In the mayhem, 18 Iraqis lay dead. It was the worst period of violence
Falluja has seen during a year of occupation," reported Jonathan Steele,
veteran correspondent for the British newspaper, The Guardian.
At about the same time, Paul Bremer, the U.S. administrator, moved against
Moqtada al-Sadr, the young firebrand Shiite cleric, who has a following among
the poor and the unemployed.
Troops marched into the offices of Sadr's weekly paper in Baghdad and shut it
down for carrying "false reports" and "provoking violence."
Separately, a Sadr aide was arrested and a warrant issued for Sadr himself,
in connection with the murder a year ago of a rival cleric.
Six months ago, 25 people were quietly implicated in that killing, and a
dozen arrested. Inexplicably, Sadr and associates were spared.
His supporters rose up in revolt, not just in Baghdad but also in the so far
peaceful Shiite cities of Najaf, Kufa, Karbala, Basra and others.
Shutting down Sadr's paper made a mockery of declared American democratic
intentions. If the intent in not arresting him earlier was to avoid a
confrontation, doing so now made no sense.
A marginal figure, with no scholastic standing and a reputation for thuggery,
he's now a hero. His militia has taken over Kufa and parts of Baghdad. Even
calls for calm by Sistani, an advocate of peaceful protests, are having little
Americans have put themselves in a no-win situation: They cannot not respond
to him and the rebels elsewhere, nor can they win without using massive force,
which is what they are doing and making a bad situation worse.
In Falluja, the Marines landed a rocket on a mosque yesterday, on the eve of
a religious festival tomorrow. In Baghdad, troops raided a Sadr office and
ripped out a picture of his father, a revered ayatollah killed by Saddam in
1999. Symbolically, these are the worst things to do.
Helicopter gunships are circling over cities. American, British, Italian,
Polish, Ukrainian and Spanish forces are getting drawn into combat. Mosques are
broadcasting calls for jihad.
This is the classic nightmare scenario of the occupied and the occupier
bringing out the worst in each other. How to proceed?
American political and media obsession with the June 30 handover of
sovereignty is misplaced. It is a phony deadline. All that Bush wants out of it
is an election campaign claim that he has done what he said he would.
There is no one to hand power to, beyond the discredited U.S.-appointed
Governing Council. Bremer has already engineered a "status of forces"
agreement to let the troops stay past July 1 — perhaps as many as 105,000.
Bush should fire Bremer, who has failed at everything he has tried, and even
offended such staunch allies as Sir Jeremy Greenstock, the venerable British
envoy to Baghdad.
America should hand Iraq over to the United Nations. Those carping about U.N.
failings in Rwanda and Kosovo, or corruption under the Iraqi oil-for-food
program, better listen up:
The U.N. has a whole lot more credibility than America. The U.N. is the only
agency that can, credibly, clean up the mess made by the U.S.
The Security Council needs to mandate the U.N. to form an international
peacekeeping force — led, perhaps, by the United States, but including forces
from Arab and Muslim nations. The U.N. should supervise elections and the entire
process toward democracy.
Canada should offer help. Instead of being silent, Prime Minister Paul Martin
should be outlining the areas where Canada can lend its expertise, as Bob Rae
outlined on this page yesterday, upon his return from Iraq, .
Failing to turn to the United Nations is to risk a descent into a
Vietnam-like chaos.
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