WorldPeace commentary on current events
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Do you think that I have come to
bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For
I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother,
and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. Jesus - Matthew 10:34
truth is often paradoxical. Lao Tzu - Tao te Ching
January 28, 2004 From miles around they come, pushing wheelbarrows
in the relentless heat to collect sacks of maize meal, beans and
cooking oil from the U.N. food agency. The worst drought in more than a decade is sweeping through southern
Africa, destroying crops, driving up food prices and leaving millions
hungry -- even as foreign assistance dries up, governments and
humanitarian agencies say. Bad
farming techniques, AIDS destroying the working population, global warming
causing floods or drought coupled with the lack of international aid due to
Bush's invasion of Iraq are causing millions to consider the reality of
starvation. No one in America can imagine a whole country without
food. And here is the real problem of starvation: If you feed people who
cannot support themselves they breed and increase the problem.
January 28, 2004 Iraq - What the current
political process lacks, and it is a lack that the proposed elections will not
remedy, is an initiative to bring together the representatives of the main
groups to reach a new social contract to replace the old one before the
elections are held. To simply call for elections and draw up a political
process to hand over authority to a major religious group without a clearly
defined relationship between the communities would lead to disaster.
What is needed today is a political process through which the three main
communities can learn to compromise with each other, accommodate differences
and achieve national reconciliation ? before elections are held, not
afterward. America democracy works because
America was founded on democratic principles. Iraq was not. Iraq is
the product of the British carving up the Middle East in the first half of the
twentieth century. Modern Japan was not built in a day. And the
drums of civil war grow louder everyday in Iraq. And the man who destabilized
the Middle East is none other than "Cowboy Dubya Bush".
January 27, 2004 The US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, has criticised curbs on free elections
and the news media, as well as the Russian military campaign in Chechnya, in
meetings with Russia's President, Vladimir Putin, and in an essay published in a
Russian newspaper. This is really
something. The United States and Britain unilaterally invade Iraq and then
criticize Russia for following the American example. Only a fool like Bush
would try to set a double standard with Russia.
January 27, 2004 On Wednesday, September
17, U.S. President George W. Bush admitted that there was no evidence that
Saddam Hussein had any role in the September 11 terrorist attacks on the
United States. President Bush stated, "We've had no evidence that Saddam
Hussein was involved with September 11." The day before, National
Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice made similar comments, telling ABC's
"Nightline" that "We have never claimed that Saddam Hussein had
either direction or control of 9/11." Yet despite these statements by
members of the Bush administration, according to a recent poll, some 70
percent of Americans believe that Saddam was personally involved with the
terrorist attacks of that day. Big Bush lie
number one: Saddam has weapons of mass destruction. Big Bush lie number
two: Saddam was linked to bin Laden and 911.
January 27, 2004 As a new year begins and
the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq enters its tenth month, the Middle East is
undergoing a series of changes that is altering the strategic calculus of the
entire region. The U.S. military presence in the heart of the Middle East has
had a substantial impact on the region, as regimes have adjusted their
policies to adapt to new strategic realities. As Nadim Shehadi of Oxford
University avers, "The U.S. has succeeded in triggering a dynamic for
change," adding that "there is no way that things will remain as
they are." Libya has agreed to abandon its weapons of mass destruction
programs and shed its pariah status, in addition to improving relations with
Israel. Syria is trying to moderate its stance with Israel and Turkey. Iran is
opening itself to snap inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency
and seeking rapprochement with Egypt after 25 years of discord. It is also
working behind the scenes with Washington over Iraq, in a largely unnoticed
development that benefits both sides. The region hasn't faced so much change
in decades. Yes, Bush is the catalyst of
change in the Middle East. The problem is that the change is too fast and
has no clear goals or pre-planned objectives. This is typical of Cowboy
January 27, 2004 There are hundreds of thousands of so called
"protest" websites around the world. They highlight business
scandals, political corruption and senseless wars. They also expose
underhanded dealings from all levels of society. The ruling elite hates
them because they use the Bill of Rights Act, and most civilized countries
have one, to fly in the face of official misrepresentations. The
mainstream politically compliant media treat them with contempt and their
operators and writers are snubbed. Some unthinking ISP operators even
refuse to host "protest" sites. The
freedom of the world will be guaranteed with a free and unrestricted internet.
January 27, 2004 UN Secretary General
Kofi Annan said on Monday that the slaughters in Yugoslavia and Rwanda in the
1990s could have been prevented if the world had taken action as he opened the
first international genocide conference in over 50 years. "There
can be no more important issue, and no more binding obligation, than the
prevention of genocide," Mr Annan told ten heads of state and officials
from dozens of nations gathered for the three-day conference hosted by
Sweden. The UN chief singled out as "especially shameful" the
failure by the international community to take action in the former Yugoslavia
during the wars of secession in the early 1990s and the 1994 genocide in
Rwanda. I find it interesting that there
has been no genocide conference in 50 years. Of course the United States
is still in denial about the slaughter of the American Indians in the nineteenth
century and Israel is in denial about its slow and steady genocide in Palestine
January 27, 2004 Retired Gen Anthony
Zinni began warning that ousting Saddam Hussein, let alone invading Iraq,
risked destabilizing the entire Middle East back in 1998 , when he led US
Central Command and testified against the Iraq Liberation Act that made
"regime change" official US policy. And just six months before
the actual invasion last March, in October 2002, he told the annual Fletcher
Conference on National Security Strategy, "we are about to do something
that will ignite a fuse in this region that we will rue the day we ever
started". While President George W. Bush tried hard to project a
sense of confidence and control concerning Iraq and the larger Middle East in
his State of the Union Address on Tuesday, a careful look at the news this
week suggested that Zinni's fears were not unfounded. Yes,
one of the blackest days in American history was when the Supreme Court elected
the supreme imperialistic cowboy president of the United States.
January 27, 2004 US and British leaders
George W. Bush and Tony Blair are wrong to retroactively justify the invasion
of Iraq on humanitarian grounds , a global rights group said on Monday.
New York-based Human Rights Watch criticised the West for turning a blind eye
to Saddam Hussein's atrocities - such as the 1988 massacre of Kurds - at a
time when the level of slaughter could have justified armed
intervention. "Only mass slaughter might permit the deliberate
taking of life involved in using military force for humanitarian
purposes," the group's head Kenneth Roth said in its annual report.
"Brutal as Saddam Hussein's reign had been, the scope of the Iraq
government's killing in March 2003 was not of the exceptional and dire
magnitude that would justify humanitarian intervention," he wrote in one
of the report's 15 essays. Well, the
fact is that the unilateral invasion of Iraq by Bush and Blair was a mistake and
what ever good comes of it if any was by pure accident and luck and not because
Dubya planned it.
January 26, 2004 U.S. intelligence agencies failed to detect that Iraq's
unconventional weapons programs were in a state of disarray in recent
years under the increasingly erratic leadership of Saddam Hussein, the
CIA's outgoing chief weapons inspector said in an interview this weekend.
David Kay, who led the government's efforts to find evidence of Iraq's
illicit weapons programs until he resigned on Friday, said late Saturday
that the CIA and other intelligence agencies did not realize that Iraqi
scientists had sold ambitious but fanciful weapons programs to Hussein and
had then used the money for other purposes. This
is amazing that Saddam was being manipulated by his yes men.
January 26, 2004 A part of the nation is at war - a slice of America where patriotism runs
deeper than pockets, where parents don't belong to country clubs and children
don't attend exclusive private schools. The duty of defending the nation has
largely fallen to the less affluent; the all-volunteer military is
disproportionately drawn from blue-collar homes. If the war on terror were as important as the president claims - and the
threat of Islamist fanatics a danger that will confront us for at least a
generation - you'd think that military service would have taken on more
urgency among Americans of all income brackets. But it hasn't. There has been no marked upturn in military recruitment since the terrorist
atrocities of Sept. 11, 2001. Without a draft, affluent Americans have felt free to turn their attention
to other matters - the stock market, the tax-deductible Range Rover, the
children's chances for admission to an exclusive college. The deaths of more
than 500 American soldiers in Iraq have stirred little comment among the
chattering classes, whose children are not at risk. It is always the
American middle class who fights the wars. The
educated wealthy are not so foolish to actually fight the wars that their greed
starts. In the American Civil War, the wealthy Yankees could buy out of
the draft. What would have happened if that were not possible? What
would happen if Dubya's own daughters were in Iraq in a military uniform?
Maybe little George would not have been so hell bent to kill Saddam for daddy
George is his daughters faced death or the loss of limbs and disfiguration.
January 26, 2004 Secretary of State Colin Powell said on Monday he was
worried about Russia's democracy and its muscular dealings with its neighbors in
some of Washington's most critical comments about Moscow. In a front-page article published in major Russian daily
Izvestia, he said
Russian politics were not sufficiently subject to the rule of law and made clear
there were limits to the U.S.-Russian relationship without shared values. Powell
needs to worry about the fact that he sold out his credibility to cowboy Dubya
and his unilateral invasion of Iraq which was unprovoked.
January 26, 2004 Many Americans tend to be wary
about aging Shiite Muslim clerics who dabble in politics. They recall how
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini transformed Iran into a rabidly anti-American state
and changed the region's political map as well. Now, 25 years later, Iraq
's leading Shiite cleric, the Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Husseini al-Sistani,
is showing the same Khomeini-like ability to mobilize followers by the thousands
into the streets, often with a strong anti-U.S. undercurrent. It
will be interesting if the Shiites in Iran and Iraq unite into one political
January 26, 2004 President Bush is trying to resuscitate a measure to place nationwide caps on
medical malpractice awards, a move he has made a centerpiece of his
election-year focus on health care. Bush argues that a nationwide ceiling would drive down soaring health care
costs and save taxpayers money. Senate Democrats stalled the bill last year,
arguing it would help the insurance industry, not patients. This
is just more abuse of the poor who are abused by doctors. It is just
another example of Bush skewing morality and justice for the sake of corporate
donations to his campaign.
January 26, 2004 Federal deficits are setting
records as President Bush and Congress plunge into the election year's budget work and both
parties wonder if the red ink will prove to be a campaign issue. The Congressional Budget Office planned to release its annual winter budget and economic outlook on
Monday. It was expected to be a bit better in the short term than the CBO's last
update in August, when it projected shortfalls of $480 billion for this year and
$341 billion for 2005. And where do all those
Americans who voted for Dubya think the money is going to come from to pay off
these deficits? The answer is their children and their grandchildren.
January 25, 2004 The blunt conclusion by David Kay, the chief US arms inspector in Iraq, that
Saddam Hussein "got rid" of his unconventional weapons long before the
Iraq invasion last year underscores what has become clear to intelligence
experts in recent months: President George Bush moved against a country that
posed a smaller risk than North Korea, Libya and Iran, or even one of America's
allies, Pakistan. Which proves that the prime
motivator was oil, oil, oil. Its the oil stupid. The weapons of mass
destruction was a cover story.
January 25, 2004 For the
time being, the new American order has generated a tsunami of
anti-Americanism, with the United States perceived in some quarters as a
greater threat to world peace than Al Qaeda. Deep fissures have developed
between the United States and its allies; American policies have
threatened to undermine Europe's drive toward unity; Muslims around the
globe have turned against the United States; many leaders in Asia now look
to China for their economic and political security; and Americans
themselves have become polarized in their attitude toward the rest of the
world. The ''war on terrorism'' has gotten mired in an anarchic Iraq;
Guantanamo has come to represent a willful violation of civil rights; and
tyrants have seized on the concept of pre-emptive war to justify their own
suppression of opponents, now labeled terrorists. And
all this in just three years. Congratulations Dubya and all who voted for
you and will probably vote for you again.
January 24, 2004 Prime Minister Tony Blair must admit that the Iraq
war was a mistake, former Cabinet minister Robin Cook demanded today.
Mr Cook issued the challenge after US official David Kay quit his role
as head of the organisation searching for weapons of mass destruction in
Iraq, saying he did not believe there were any major stockpiles to be
found. Tony Blair is able to pay the
price for selling out to George Bush's pressure to invade Iraq. Without
Blair, Bush may have not been able to begin America's new imperialism.
January 24, 2004 CIA director George Tenet named former UN weapons inspector Charles Duelfer
on Friday to succeed David Kay to lead the search for Iraqi weapons of mass
destruction, an effort that so far has failed to substantiate pre-war US claims.
It has been ten months since the invasion of Iraq
and we now know that Bush lied about the weapons of mass destruction.
January 24, 2004 President George W. Bush
will ask Congress to approve $401.7 billion in defense spending for the budget
year that begins in October, a 7 percent increase over this year, the Pentagon
announced Friday. The money does not include the cost of fighting wars
in Iraq and Afghanistan. And meanwhile on
the domestic front seniors still cannot afford the medicines they need and
millions of Americans have no health care.
January 24, 2004 Palestinians, wherever
or whomever they are, agree that they are today witnessing a new nakba, or
catastrophe, one that is exceeded in pain, suffering and losses only by the
nakba of 1948. Since the second intifada broke out in September 2000,
Israel has renewed its occupation; 3.4 million Palestinians (15 percent in
refugee camps, 28.5 percent in rural areas and 56.5 percent in urban areas)
have been isolated in cantons sealed off from one another by Israeli
settlements, bypass roads and the powerful Israeli Army. Jerusalem has been
cut off from the rest of the West Bank, with most of its national and social
institutions closed down by the military. In addition, around 150,000 middle
class and professional Palestinians have left the country. And
the world stands by as the neo Nazi Ariel Sharon inflicts more suffering on the
January 22, 2004 Iranian President Mohammad Khatami yesterday disputed
President Bush's claim that his tough stance against terrorism drove Iran to
agree to United Nations inspections of its nuclear sites. The
leaders of Iran do not have a history of truth telling but I agree that the
warmongering of George Bush was probably not the main reason that Iran opened up
its nuclear program for inspection.
January 22, 2004 Bush?s speech was an accurate reflection of the state of US relations
with the world: marvelous in some respects, and dangerously naive in
others. Yes, a lot of talk
about democracy and justice while trying to justify the unprovoked invasion of
January 22, 2004
It is
unrealistic to expect total honesty from politicians. Their partisanship
guarantees self-praise and self-serving arguments. Still, citizens expect them
to operate within reasonable rhetorical limits.
In the case of the president of
the United States, whose constituency is not confined to his nation, the world
expects his words to bear some resemblance to reality. Non-Americans tuning in to George W. Bush's State of the Union address would
have been disappointed. Even allowing for his domestic needs in an election
year, it was riddled with disingenuous, at times dishonest, formulations as well
as logical inconsistencies.
January 22, 2004
CIA officers in Iraq are warning that the country might
be on a path to civil war, current and former U.S. officials said Wednesday,
starkly contradicting the upbeat assessment President Bush gave in his State of
the Union address. The CIA officers? bleak assessment was delivered verbally to Washington
this week, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity. The warning echoed growing fears that Iraq?s Shiite majority ?which has
until now grudgingly accepted the U.S. occupation ? could turn to violence if
its demands for direct elections are spurned. Meanwhile, Iraq?s Kurdish minority is pressing its demand for autonomy and
shares of oil revenue. ?Both the Shiites and the Kurds think that now?s their time,? one
intelligence officer said.
January 22, 2004
Palestinians are worried that US President George W
Bush's failure to mention their conflict with Israel in his State of the Union
address means he intends to scale down US involvement in the matter. Israel, apparently unconcerned, just shrugged it off.
"The fact that President Bush did not mention the
peace process at all means that 2004 will be a year of American disengagement
from the peace process and the absence of the roadmap," said Palestinian
negotiations minister Saeb Erakat. Bush's political base is made up of
Jews and the fundamental Christians that support them. No
way Bush is going to talk about the abject poverty of the Palestinians which
is the real foundation of terrorism. When people have no hope, death is
January 22, 2004 An Israeli court
Wednesday indicted an Israeli businessman on charges of bribing Ariel
Sharon, further complicating the prime minister's clouded legal
Analysts said the indictment against
real estate developer David Appel increases the chances that Sharon
himself may face charges -- a move that would compel him to leave
office. Sharon was not charged with any criminal wrongdoing.
Opposition lawmakers urged the prime minister to resign. Appel was indicted in the Tel Aviv
Magistrates court for giving Sharon hundreds of thousands of dollars
to promote an ambitious real estate project in Greece when Sharon was
foreign minister in 1999, and to help rezone urban land near Tel Aviv
both before and during his term as prime minister. Sharon is
just a Bush clone who bows to the almighty corporate dollar. In
the corporate atmosphere where there is a constant war for customers, brides and
deals of an undemocratic nature are common. Too often these corporate
wheeler dealers forget that the rules of democracy supercede the rules of
corporate warfare when dealing with maters not having to do with making a
January 21, 2004
January 21, 2004 Though
the US-led occupation has outlawed media calling for violence against
coalition troops or other Iraqis, on the streets of Baghdad, Fallujah and
Ramadi, Jenabi?s CDs and tapes ? and a series of others calling for violent
insurrection against the Americans ? are the hottest sales items. As rebels shoot down helicopters at a rate of about one a week in the Fallujah
area, Jenabi?s tunes ring out in the bazaars of the so-called ?Sunni
triangle.? Just another Bush
delusion that the people of Iraq would welcome Americans with open arms.
What country wants to be occupied by a foreign power?
January 20, 2004
As U.S., U.N. and Iraqi officials met in New York to
discuss Iraq's future, an estimated 100,000 Shiite Muslims marched in Baghdad
yesterday demanding prompt, direct elections. The march, stretching for miles and hours through crowded Baghdad streets,
was the largest demonstration by backers of 73-year-old Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Husseini
al-Sistani, the Shiite cleric leader who apparently has shoved the United States
off its path to a deliberate, U.S.-approved selection of an interim legislature
leading up to direct elections in 2005. "First, we will demonstrate," said one of the participants in the
march, Sheik Hassan Zaki, a cleric from Najaf. "After that, we will strike,
not going to our jobs. After that, the doors of paradise will open for the
martyrs." Bush was desperate to
start a war in Iraq and now as per Afghanistan he wants out. Especially
with elections coming in ten months. Thank God for term limits.
January 20, 2004 In
a packed, sweltering courtroom, Gen. Rom?o Dallaire ? dressed in a
navy-blue pin-striped suit with his Order of Canada prominent on the lapel ?
was asked by a prosecutor if he could identify the Rwandan army colonel
alleged to be one of the architects of the genocide that took 800,000 lives.
Dallaire, who led the ill-fated 1994 United Nations peacekeeping mission in
Rwanda, rose to his feet, glanced around, then fixed an icy glare on his
former nemesis. "He's on the extreme right, in the last row,'' Dallaire said, pointing
at Theoneste Bagosora. The retired Canadian general told the Rwanda genocide tribunal here
yesterday he believed Bagosora was the "kingpin'' in orchestrating a
carefully planned campaign to exterminate minority Tutsis and politically
moderate Hutus during 100 days of bloodshed in 1994. The
vast majority of people can't even imagine what 8,000 death a day means.
And as per usual, who cares? Right?
January 20, 2004
Walid Shoebat is a rare commodity in the world of political
violence, a former terrorist who feels bad about the things he did and the
beliefs he once held and wants to make amends.
The Palestinian, who as a teenager was recruited by an extremist group to
plant a bomb at an Israeli bank, is now renouncing his past at public
appearances. His first Canadian talk is tonight in Toronto. "It's something I owe the Jewish people for what I have done when I
was young," Mr. Shoebat, a former member of the Palestine Liberation
Organization, said yesterday in an interview. Mr. Shoebat is speaking at the University of Toronto, where he will be
interviewed in front of a student audience for a live taping of a radio show
hosted by Los Angeles-based Rabbi Tovia Singer. "Most people don't know
him," Mr. Singer said. "They will by the time the interview is
over." Mr. Shoebat said he is coming to Canada to challenge what he sees as
anti-Israeli sentiment on university campuses, where the Arab-Israeli conflict
has played out, sometimes violently, among Palestinian and Jewish students.
Born in Bethlehem to a Palestinian Muslim father and an American Christian
mother who had met in the United States, Mr. Shoebat said that as early as
kindergarten he was taught that Jews were "pigs and monkeys,"
killers and thieves. Teachers taught their students that one day the Jews
would be slaughtered and driven from the Holy Land.
January 20, 2004
United Arab Emirates - Saddam Hussein's former U.N. envoy accused the United States of deliberately sowing
chaos in Iraq to prevent democracy from taking hold. In interviews with The Associated Press on Saturday and Monday, former Iraqi
U.N. envoy Mohammed al-Douri denounced a U.S. plan to create an appointed
legislative body in Iraq and demanded free, direct elections instead. He accused the United States of creating chaos in occupied Iraq as an excuse
to avoid direct elections of a new government because that vote could lead to
the United States losing control of Iraq's oil wealth and strategic location.
Al-Douri said democratic elections would be preferable to an appointed body
no matter who wins ? even if his Sunni Muslim minority, which held favor
during Saddam's rule, is defeated by Iraq's Shiite Muslim majority. "For me what is important is Iraq, not the majority or minority. I'll
accept anyone who is elected ? a Shiite or even a Kurd, if that is the
people's choice," al-Douri said. "The important thing is that the
(Iraqi) people elect, and not have individuals appointed by foreign entities
like the United States."
January 19, 2004 President George W. Bush and House Speaker Dennis Hastert
(R-Ill.) have decided to oppose granting more time to an independent
commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks, virtually guaranteeing
that the panel will have to complete its work by the end of May,
officials said last week. A growing number of commissioners had concluded the panel needed more
time to prepare a thorough and credible accounting of missteps leading
to the attacks. But the White House and leading Republicans have
informed the panel they oppose any delay, which could mean Sept.
11-related controversies emerging during the heat of the presidential
campaign, sources said. Yes, the lies
that George has foisted on the American public are piling up. George does
not want more added to the list before the Novmember elections.
January 19, 2004 Six decades after the Holocaust, it is Arab and Muslim terrorism,
rather than Naziism, that threatens Jews and Israel. Under the
surface, both Israeli and Palestinian scholars say, there are
differences between Arab and Palestinian anti-Semitism and the older,
European version - differences that may even point out opportunities
to solve the conflict. But, they say, both Israelis and Palestinians
are quick to seize the powerful imagery and rhetoric of classic
anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, a habit that could help to close
whatever doors to peacemaking remain open. The current technological imbalance - Israel has a nuclear deterrent,
the Palestinians' most lethal weapon is suicide bombers - means that
Palestinians and other Muslims do not now threaten the existence of
Israel as the Nazis once did Jews in Europe.
January 19, 2004 The
suicide truck bombing at a gate to the headquarters compound of the U.S.-led
coalition killed 24 people and wounded about 120, Iraq's health minister said
Monday. It doesn't look like the capture of Saddam has made any
difference in Iraq. It
is the people who directly oppose the American invasion, not Saddam
loyalist. Wrong again George.
January 17, 2004
On the edge of a large field
in a sprawling northern suburb of Mumbai, formerly Bombay, the French sheep
farmer and mascot of the anti-globalisation movement, Jos? Bov?, is holding
forth among a group of farm workers from South America. Mr Bov?, pipe
clenched firmly between his teeth, is selling his message that "le
capitalisme" is not the only way. Agreeing with him are 80,000 people from 130 countries at the World Social
Forum, who want to prove that they are not just noisy anarchists but can offer
alternatives to create a fairer planet. Everybody is sure of what they are
against - capitalism, imperialism and George Bush.
January 17, 2004 The Bush
administration is reaching out to the United Nations to help settle a
nagging dispute with Iraqi Shiite leaders about how to choose an interim
government by July 1 so the United States can end its political control
of postwar Iraq. George
should have done this before the invasion or directly after. But his
cowboy arrogance would not let him stoop so low.
January 17, 2004 Nine months after the fall of Baghdad, as insurgents target oil
installations and Iraqis queue for fuel, the Bush administration has
abandoned its pre-war assertions that Iraq?s natural resources would
largely fund reconstruction. Just another Bush lie.
January 17, 2004 Recent
developments in Northern Iraq may lead to the division of post-Saddam Iraq
along ethnic lines. Kurds plan to turn their tactical gains from their role as
unflinching US allies in ousting Saddam Hussein into a strategic and historic
one - a Kurdish federation that would include one of the world's richest oil
reserves in Kirkuk. Plans for a Kurdish federation emerged unexpectedly last month after a unity
move between two bickering Kurdish groups, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
led by Jalal Talabani and the Kurdistan Democratic Party led by Massous
Barzani. Turkey, Iran and Syria have Kurdish populations of their own. The Kurd
population in the area is estimated at 20 million, with 12 million in Turkey,
four million in Iran and about two million in Syria. Iraqi Kurds claim a
population of about five million. Yes,
the Kurds are facing their only chance to establish themselves as an independent
nation and that means war of another kind in the region. Thanks, George.
January 17, 2004 A roadside bomb detonated north
of Baghdad on Saturday, killing three U.S. soldiers and two Iraqi civil defense
troopers, a U.S. military spokesman said. The deaths bring to 500 the number of
American service members who have died since the Iraq war began. Let
me see, 500 dead in 300 days. That comes to three Americans every two
days. Acceptable to George because his daughters are save at home drinking
and partying but not acceptable to me.
January 16, 2004
As E.U. nations debate whether to incorporate Christianity into the
new European Constitution, religious minorities fear that the
conservative elements pushing for the change have a darker agenda.
"THE common tradition of Christianity... has made Europe
what it is," wrote T.S. Eliot. His words were quoted by British Member of
Parliament Andrew Selous in the House of Commons on December 10, 2003, in
response to calls across Europe to recognise Christianity in the new European
The Constitution is undergoing an overhaul as 10 new members,
mainly from Eastern Europe, prepare to join the existing 15 in May 2004. Italian
Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who until recently held the European
presidency (Ireland is the current President), launched final constitutional
talks in Rome in October last year. If there
has been any one cause of war on the planet it has been religion. It is
incredible that anyone would think that anything other than religious neutrality
in any constitution is a sane idea. Obviously, most people never learn.
January 16, 2004
Israel will hunt and kill the
founder of Hamas, Sheik Ahmed Yassin,
in retaliation for a deadly attack on
Israeli border guards, Israel's deputy defense minister said in the bluntest
warning yet against leaders of the Islamic militant group. Yassin, a quadriplegic, did not try to hide Friday, making his way to a Gaza
City mosque near his home in a wheelchair pushed by an assistant. "We do not fear the threat of death," Yassin, wrapped in a brown
blanket, told reporters outside the mosque. "We will not bow to pressure
and resistance will continue until the occupation is destroyed." And
Americans support this stupidity when they have outlawed it as a political tool
in America. As the Europeans have said months ago, Israel is the biggest
threat to WorldPeace.
January 15, 2004 Human beings will walk again on the moon as early as 2015 and
will eventually go to Mars under a revitalised space exploration plan announced
yesterday by President George W. Bush. Critics derided the election-year
announcement as a costly extravagance that could renew a military space race.
All of a sudden George is interested in
all sorts of things (immigration, blacks) now that his re-election
approaches. This is just another promise he will forget after
November. Kennedy created enthusiasm for the space race in the
sixties. It is just words floating on the air coming from Bush.
January 15, 2004
A Palestinian mother of two blew herself up at
Israel?s border with Gaza yesterday, killing four Israelis and
wounding seven people in the first suicide attack by a woman Hamas
loyalist. In a videotape, the bomber, identified as Reem Salih al-Raishy, 22,
professed her love for her children and said the attack was meant to
turn her body into "deadly shrapnel". Smiling at times and cradling a rifle, Raishy said she had dreamed
since she was 13 of "becoming a martyr" and dying for her
people. The moral of the
story is that no wall will stop determined terrorists from killing Israelis and
that the Palestinians have been pushed to their limit of desperation with the
failure of the world to put an end to the religious insanity that pervades the
Middle East.
January 14, 2004 At least 21 United States troops have committed suicide in Iraq, a growing toll
that represents one of every seven American "non-hostile" deaths since
the war began last March, the Pentagon said. It
surprises me that this story was published. It shows the harsh reality of
an unjustified war started by a lying imperialistic president.
January 14, 2004 A Belgian cardinal who is among the leading candidates to succeed Pope John
Paul on Monday broke the Roman Catholic Church's taboo on the use of condoms,
declaring that in certain circumstances they should be used to prevent the
spread of AIDS. There is no
doubt that the spread of AIDS would be significantly slowed with just a word
from the Pope to Catholics worldwide to use condoms; not to mention a much
needed reduction in the human population. But hey, fewer new Catholics
mean fewer dollars for the Catholic bureaucracy.
January 11, 2004
The separation fence now under
construction is not the first fence that was built in this country
with the aim of preventing the passage of terrorists who seek to
attack the civilian population. A similar fence was built by the
British Mandate authorities in the 1930s, in an effort to prevent
the infiltration of terrorist gangs and squads in the north of the
country. A glance at the history of that fence seems to show that
history is repeating itself.
In 1936, the Arab Revolt erupted in Palestine.
Initially directed against the Yishuv - the pre-1948 Jewish
community in the country - it subsequently targeted the British
administration as well. There
is no way a fence is going to stop suicide bombers in Israel. The fence is
about Sharon's grab for land and nothing more. It is a unilateral move by
Israel that shows an undeniably exclusionary arrogance among the Jews.
January 11, 2004
US military is overstretched by deployments around the world, with
thousands of soldiers and reservists kept long beyond their release dates,
experts say.
Stressing the potentially dangerous effects on morale, the
director of the Centre for Research on Military Organisation said
"there is no question that the force is stretched too thin". With
the military stretched so thin, the question is whether the draft is coming
along with inflating military budgets. Cooperation with the U N would
relieve most of problem. Putting a leash on our imperialistic president
would also help.
January 10, 2004
President Bush is in a stronger position with voters than his
father or President Clinton were at the same stage of their re-election bids, an
Associated Press poll has found. Men, evangelicals and rural voters are supporting Bush by big
margins, while traditionally Democratic-leaning groups such as women have more
divided loyalties, according to the poll. Men,
Christian soldiers and farmers. Bush has tapped into the common man while
he takes money from corporations and cares less about health care, human rights,
the environment and the people who are influenced by slick ads and a President
who rides a fighter onto an aircraft carrier.
January 10, 2004
The Washington-based Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace on Thursday accused the Bush Administration of
systematically exaggerating the threat presented by Iraq?s weapons of mass
destruction (WMD). According to a Carnegie Endowment report which took six months to prepare,
Iraq posed no threat to the United States and had no WMD program. The
influential think tank said that the Bush Administration misrepresented the
findings of the United Nations weapons inspectors in a way that turned threats
from minor to serious.
The report also noted that Bush Administration officials systematically
misrepresented and exaggerated the threat posed by Iraq?s WMD and ballistic
missile programs. It concluded that Iraq did not pose a serious threat to world
peace or U.S. security. The Carnegie Foundation also said there was no solid evidence to back the
U.S. officials? claims that former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein had ties
with Al-Qaeda. Bush lied
to everyone but due to the arrogance of Americans, no one cares. Might
means right. And Christians have the true religion. Those Iraqis are
just mud people with an inferior God. And people wonder why peace on earth
is so elusive.
January 10, 2004 British troops and Iraqi police
fired at armed, stone-throwing protesters, killing six people and wounding 11,
when a crowd of Iraqis angry over the lack of jobs marched on coalition offices
in this southern city, according to witnesses and officials.
I never understood Israeli soldiers shooting rock throwing Palestinian
January 10, 2004 Secretary of State Colin Powell has conceded that despite his
assertions to the United Nations last year, he had no "smoking gun"
proof of a link between the government of President Saddam Hussein of Iraq and
terrorists of Al Qaeda. Yes,
but that did not keep him from lying about it. If he has no proof now, he
had no proof then.
January 10, 2004
Palestinians will seek to forge a single bi-national state with Israel if
Israel carries out its threat to absorb chunks of the West Bank, says Prime
Minister Ahmed Qurie. His comments underscored the Palestinians' sense of desperation in the face
of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's unilateral plan to impose a boundary
stripping them of some of the land they want for a state if peacemaking
remains frozen. Israelis strongly oppose the scenario of a single state made up of
Palestinians and Israelis, fearing that unless they separate from the
Palestinians, Israel could end up ruling an area in which Jews would soon be a
minority. And
that is the real motivator. Israelis a minority in their own God given
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