Om! The Jewel in the Lotus! Hum!
The mantra of Chenrazee THE TIBETAN BOOK OF THE DEAD I
John WorldPeace
Copyright 1997 by John WorldPeace Houston, Texas USA
All rights reserved.
To World Peace
"the possible dream"
by the infinite, immortal spirit of the perfect clear light of the
Infinite Potential in the post physical death spiritual reality
The Loving Deity
Reality Between
The First Period
The Second Period
The Third Period
The Fourth Period
The Fifth Period
The Sixth Period
The Seventh Period
The Eighth Period
The Ninth Period
The Tenth Period
The Eleventh Period
The Twelfth Period
O God, Boundless Light of this Reality,
O loving and fierce celestial beings, angels and guides,
O great spiritual teachers and saints
I acknowledge the oneness of the Infinite Potential.
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! The time has come
for you to find your path in the reality of the spirit. Your physical breath has
stopped; the perfect clear light of the Infinite Potential of the first phase of
your transition into the spiritual reality has begun to manifest. Your physical
breath has stopped and you begin to experience the spirit reality; barren
and void like space. Your immortal, infinite spiritual awareness begins to
awaken, clear and empty; perceiving no horizon or center. You must
immediately recognize this void as yourself. You must stay centered within
this experience.
Now the vision that begins to manifest in the void is the image of
mud which represents the earth merging into water. The image of smoke
which represents water merging into fire. The image of sparks which
represents fire merging into the wind. The image of a candle flame which
represents the wind merging into consciousness. The image of a moonlit
sky which represents consciousness merging into luminance. The image of
the sunlit sky which represents luminance merging into radiance. The
image of the night sky which represents radiance merging into imminence.
The image of the predawn twilight sky which represents imminence
merging into the perfect clear light.
Hey, immortal one, you who was called ______! Now that you
have passed through the doorway of "physical death" and transitioned into
the spiritual reality, you must now reorient yourself. Repeat to yourself the
following words.
"Wake up! I have transitioned from physical life through bodily
death to the point of spiritual awakening. From this point on, I will
awaken my spirit and my consciousness by contemplating the Infinite
Potential of the spirit. I must meditate on peace and harmony and love and
compassion. For the sake of all beings in all realities, I must remain
centered in the oneness of the Infinite Potential. Now for the sake of all beings,
I will acknowledge the perfect clear light as the representation of the Infinite
Potential. Within this experience of Infinite oneness, I will attain the
supreme peace and harmony of the Infinite Potential and I will accomplish the
purpose of all beings. If I do not attain the supreme peace and harmony,
then, at the least, while I reside in the spiritual reality, I will recognize that I
am residing within the spiritual reality.
I will moment to moment recognize and acknowledge the spiritual
reality as a manifestation of the Infinite Potential and I will moment to
moment stay centered on my path of life in the spiritual reality and thereby
accomplish my purposes in this reality by manifesting whatever I need in order
to remain centered in the Infinite Potential.
Hey immortal one, you who was called _____! Listen to me!
Right now the perfect clear light of Infinite Potential manifests for you.
Recognize it! Acknowledge it! Incorporate it into your experience!
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! This, your present
conscious natural clear void awareness, this presence in clear voidness
without any objectivity of substance, sign, or color - just this is the reality,
the Mother, Buddha All-around Goodness! And this, your conscious
awareness natural voidness, not succumbing to a false annihilative
voidness, just your own conscious awareness, unceasing, bright, distinct,
and vibrant - just this awareness is the Father, Buddha All-around
Goodness! Just this presence of the indivisibility of your awareness'
naturally insubstantial voidness and the vibrant bright presence of your
conscious awareness- just this is the Buddha Body of Truth. Your
awareness thus abides in this vast mass of light of clarity-void oneness.
You are free of birth or death - just this is the Buddha Changeless Light. It
is enough just to recognize this. Recognizing this you own conscious
awareness' purity nature as the Buddha, yourself beholding you own
awareness -that is to dwell in the inner realization of all Buddhas.
Hey, immortal one, you who was called ____! Meditate on the
Infinite Potential! Do not be distracted! Focus your entire being on the
Infinite oneness! Meditate on manifesting the spiritual reality! Do not
meditate on it manifesting the material reality!
Center yourself within the Infinite Oneness!
Hey, immortal one, you who was called ____! Listen resolutely
with intense concentration! There are seven kinds of between:
1) the physcial birth point between,
2) the physical life consciousness between,
3) the dream consciousness between,
4) the contemplation-meditation between,
5) the physical death-point consciousness between,
6) the spiritual reality between,
7) and the spiritual existence consciousness between.
Hey, immortal one, you who was called ____! At the end of
physical life, the three spiritual betweens will dawn for you;
5) the death-point consciousness between,
6) the spiritual reality consciousness between,
7) and the spiritual existence consciousness between.
In the death-point consciousness between, the reality clear light manifested.
But unfortunately, you did not recognize it, so you arrived here. Now the
spiritual reality consciousness between and the existence consciousness
between will manifest for you. As I describe them, you must make every
effort to recognize them without fail.
Hey, immortal one, who was called _____! Now you have arrived
at what is called "physical death". You are transitioning from the physical
reality to the spiritual reality. You are not alone; it happens to everyone.
You must not indulge in attachment to or insistence on your physical life.
Though you are attached to it and you insist, you have no power to stay.
You will not avoid wandering the life cycle. Do not lust! Do not cling!
Be now mindful of the Three Jewels!
Hey, immortal one, who was called ____! Whatever terrifying
visions of the spiritual reality consciousness between may dawn upon you,
you should not forget the following words. You must proceed
remembering in your mind the meaning of these words. Herein lies the key
to your peaceful orientation within the spiritual reality.
"Hey! Now when the spiritual reality consciousness between
dawns upon me, I will let go of the illusion of instinctive terror.
I will recognize all objects as my mind's own visions and understand this as
the pattern of perception in the spiritual between; Come to this moment,
arrived at this most critical cessation, I will not fear my own visions of the
loving and fierce deities!"
Hey, immortal one, you who was called ______! You should
proceed clearly repeating these words aloud in your mind and remembering
their meaning. This is very important! It is the key to recognizing
whatever terrifying visions dawn as being a manifestation of your own
Hey, immortal one you who was called _____! At this time when
your spirit and body have parted ways, pure reality manifests in subtle,
dazzling visions, vividly experienced, naturally frightening and worrisome,
shimmering like a mirage on the desert. Do not fear them! Do not be
terrified! Do not panic! You now have what is call an "instinctual spiritual
body," not a material, flesh and blood body. Thus whatever sounds, lights,
and rays may come at you, they cannot harm you. You cannot die. It is
enough for you to recognize these experiences as a manifestation of your
own mind. Remember your are now in the spiritual between.
Hey, immortal one, you who was called ____! If you do not
recognize these visions as a manifestation of your own mind in this way -
whatever other meditations and achievements you may have experienced in
the human world, if you did not meet this particular instruction - the lights
will frighten you, the sounds will panic you, the rays will terrify you. If you
do not know the key of this instruction, you will not recognize the sounds,
lights, and rays and you will become confused in the cycle of life between
the physical and spiritual realities. This is why I am reading this
information to you. To help you find your way in the spiritual between
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! Having been
without your physcial body for a time, you are now proceeding. You have
awakened in the confusion of anxiety with the worry asking yourself, "What
is happening to me?" Recognize that you are in the spiritual between! Now,
your life cycle is transcending and all things manifest as lights and deities. All
space manifests full of blue light. Now, from the central Buddha-land,
All-pervading Drop, the Lord Vairochana appears before you, white bodied,
sitting on a lion throne, holding in his hand an eight-spoked wheel, united
with his consort Akasha Dhatvishvari. The natural purity of the
consciousness mosaic, the blue light of the Reality Perfection wisdom, a
clear and vivid color blue, frighteningly intense, shines piercingly from the
heart center of the Vairochana couple, dazzling yours eyes unbearably.
Simultaneously the soft white light of the gods shines upon you and
penetrates you along with the bright blue light. Confused in the
manifestation of the spiritual reality, you panic and are terrified of that
bright blue light of Reality Perfection wisdom and you attempt to flee from
it. You tend to feel an attraction to the soft white light of the gods, and you
approach it.
Listen! You must not panic at the blue light; the clear, piercing,
brilliant, frightening supreme wisdom clear light! Do not fear it! It is the
light ray of the Transcendent Lord, the Reality Perfection wisdom, the
oneness of th Infinite Potential. Feel attracted to it with faith and reverence!
Make it answer to your prayer, thinking, "It is the light ray of compassion of Lord
Vairochana - I must take refuge in it!" It is the way Lord Vairochana
comes to escort you through the straits of the spiritual between. It is the
light ray of the compassion of Vairochana. Do not be enticed by the soft
white light of the gods. Do not be attached to it! Do not long for it! If
you cling to it, you will wander into the realm of the gods, and you will
continue to cycle through the seven realms of driven existence in the life
cycle. It is an obstacle to merging into the Infinite oneness, the path of
peace and harmony, so do not look upon it. Become devoted to the
brilliant penetrating blue light, aim your intense willpower toward
Vairochana, and repeat after me the following prayer:
"When I roam the life cycle driven by confusion in the
manifestations of the Infinite,
May the Lord Vairochana lead me on the path
of clear light of reality-perfection wisdom!
May his Consort Buddha Dhatvishvari back me on the way,
deliver me from the perilous straits of the between,
and carry me to the perfect Buddhahood!"
Thus praying with fierce devotion, you dissolve into rainbow light
into the heart of the Vairochana couple. There you will enter the central
pure land Ghanavyuha, Dense Array, and become a Buddha by way of the
Body of Perfect Beatitude!
Hey, immortal one you who was called _____! Listen without
wavering! In this second period, the white light that is the purity of the
element water dawns before you. At this time, from the blue eastern pure
land of Abhirati, Intense Delight, the blue Lord Vajrasattva Akshobhya
arises before you seated on an elephant, carrying a five-pronged vajra
scepter, in union with his consort Buddhalochana, attended by the male
Bodhisattvas Kshitigarblh and Maitreya and the female Bodhisattvas Lasya
and Pushpa - a group of six Archetype Deities. The white light of Mirror
wisdom, purity of the form mosaic, white and piercing, bright and clear,
shines from the heart of the Vajrasattva couple before you, penetrating,
unbearable to you eyes.
At the same time the soft smokey light of the hells shines before
you along with the wisdom light. At that time, under the influence of
hate you panic, terrified by that brilliant white light, and you attempt to flee
from it. You feel a liking for that soft smokey light of the hells and you
approach it. But now you must fearlessly recognize that brilliant white,
piercing, dazzling clear light as wisdom. Be gladdened by it with faith and
reverence! Pray, and increase your love for it, thinking, "It is the light of
the compassion of Lord Vajrasattva! I take refuge in it!"
It is Lord Vajrasattva's shining upon you to escort you through the
terrors of the between. It is the guiding beam of the light of compassion of
Vajrasattva - have faith in it! Do not be enticed by that soft smoky light of
hell! Hey! That is the path of destruction from the confusion you have
accumulated by your strong hatred! If you cling to it, you will fall into the
hells; you will be stuck in the mire of unbearable ordeals of suffering,
without any escape. It is an obstacle to the path of peace and harmony.
Do not look upon it and abandon all hate! Do not cling to it! Do not long
for it! Have faith in that dazzling bright white light! Aim your intense
willpower toward Lord Vajrasattva and make the following prayer:
"Alas! When I roam the life cycle by strong hate,
may the Lord Vajrasattva lead me on the path
of clear light of the mirror wisdom!
May his consort Buddhalochana back me on the way,
deliver me from the dangerous straits of the spiritual between,
and carry me to perfect Buddhahood!"
By praying in this way with intense faith, you will dissolve into
rainbow light in the heart of Lord Vajrasattva, and you will go to his
eastern pure land Abhirate and attain Buddhahood in the Body of Perfect
Hey, immortal one, who was called _____! Listen without
wavering! In this third period, the yellow light that is the purity of the
element of earth manifests. At this time, from the yellow southern Buddha-land
of Shrimat, the yellow Lord Ratnasambhava appears seated on a fine
horse, carrying a precious wish-granting gem, in union with his consort
Mamaki, attended by the male Bodhisattvas Akashagarbha and
Samantabhadra and the female Bodisattvas Mala and Dhupa - a group of
six Buddha deities in a background of rainbows, rays and lights. The
yellow light of the Equalizing wisdom, the purity of the sensation
mosaic, yellow and piercing, dazzling and clear, adorned with glistening
drops of droplets, shines from the heart of the Ratnasambhava couple
before you, penetrating your heart center, unbearable to behold with your eyes.
At the same time, the soft blue light of the human realm shines
before you, penetrating your heart in parallel with the wisdom light. At
that time, under the influence of pride, you panic and are terrified by that
brilliant, energetic yellow light, and you flee it. You feel a liking for that
soft blue light of the human realms and you approach it. But you must
fearlessly recognize that brilliant yellow, piercing, dazzling clear light as
wisdom. Upon it place your mind, relaxing you awareness in the
experience of nothing more to do. Or again be gladdened by it with faith
and reverence! If you can recognize it as the natural energy of your own
awareness, without even having to feel faith or make prayers, you will
dissolve indivisibly with all the images and light rays and you will become a
If you do not recognize it as the natural energy of your own
awareness, then pray and increase your love for it, thinking, " It is the light
ray of the compassion of Lord Ratnasambhave! I take refuge in it!" It is
the tractor-beam of the light rays of compassion of Lord Ratnasambhave -
have faith in it! Do not be enticed by that soft blue light of the human
realms - that is the path of confusion in the transgressions you have
accumulated by your fierce pride! If you cling to it, you will fall into the
human realms; you will experience the suffering of birth, sickness, old age,
and death, and you will find no time from liberation for the life cycle.
The soft blue light is an obstacle blocking the path of liberation. Do
not look upon it, and abandon all pride! Abandon all instinct! Do not cling
to it! Do not long for it! Have faith in that dazzling bright yellow light!
Aim your one-pointed willpower toward the Lord Ratnasambhava and
make the following prayer:
" Hey! When I roam the life cycle driven by strong pride,
may the Lord Tarnasambhava lead me on the path
of the clear light of the equalizing wisdom!
May his consort Buddha Mamaki back me on the way,
deliver me from the dangerous straits of the spiritual between,
and carry me to perfect Buddhahood!
By praying in this way with intense faith, you will dissolve into
rainbow light in the heart of the Lord Ratnasambhava couple and you will
go to the southern pure land Shrimat and attain Buddhahood in the Body
of Perfect Beatitude.
Hey, immortal one you who was called _____! Listen without
wavering! In this fourth period, the red light that is the purity of the
element of fire dawns. At this time, from the red western world of
Sukhavate, the red Lord Amitabha appears before you seated on a peacock
throne, carrying a lotus, in union with his consort Pandaravasini, attended
by the male Bodhisattvas Avalokiteshvara and Manjushri and the female
Bodhisattvas Gita and Aloka - a group of six Buddha deities in a
background of rainbows and lights.
the red light of the Discriminating wisdom, purity of the
conceptual mosaic, red and piercing, dazzling and clear, adorned with
drops and droplets, shines from the heart of the Amitabha couple, precisely
penetrating your heart center, unbearable to see with you eyes. Do not fear
At the same time a soft yellow light of the hungry ghosts realm shines
before you, penetrating your heart in parallel with the wisdom light. Do
not indulge in it! Abandon clinging and longing! At that time, under the
influence of the fierce passion, you panic and are terrified by that brilliant,
energetic red light, and you want to flee it. You feel a liking for that soft
yellow light on the hungry ghosts realms and you approach it.
But at that time you must fearlessly recognize that brilliant red,
piercing, dazzling clear light as wisdom. Upon it place you mind, relaxing
your awareness in the experience of nothing more to do. Or again be
gladdened by it with faith and reverence! If you can recognize it as the
natural energy of your own awareness, without feeling faith, without
making prayers, you will merge indivisibly with all the images and light rays
and you will become a Buddha.
If you do not recognize it as the natural energy of your own
awareness, then pray and hold your aspiration for it, thinking, "It is the
light ray of the compassion of the Lord Amitabha! I take refuge in it!" It
is the tractor-beam of the light rays of the compassion of Lord Ambitabha -
have faith in it! Do not flee it! If you flee it, it still will not leave you! Do
not fear it! Do not be enticed by that soft yellow light of the hungry ghosts
realms! It is the path of the instincts of the transgressions you have
accumulated by your fierce attachment! If you cling to it, you will fall into
the hungry ghosts realms; you will experience the intolerable suffering of hunger
and thirst, and it will be an obstacle blocking the path of peace and
harmony. Without clinging to it, abandon your instinct for it! Do not long
for it! Have faith in the dazzling bright red light Aim your one-pointed
will toward the Lord Amitabha couple and make the following prayer:
"When I roam the life cycle driven by strong passion,
may the Lord Amitabha lead me on the path
of the clear light of the discrimination wisdom!
May his consort Buddha Pandaravasini back me on the way
and deliver me from the dangerous straits of the spiritual between
and carry me to perfect Buddhahood!
By praying in this way with intense faith, you will dissolve into
rainbow light in the heart of the Lord Amitabha couple and you will go to
the western pure land Sukhavati and attain Buddhahood in the body of
Perfect Beatitude.
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! Listen without
wavering! In this fifth period, the green light that is the purity of the
element of wind dawns. At this time, from the green northern Buddha-land
of Prakuta, the green Lord Amoghasiddhi appears seated on an eagle
throne, carrying a vajra cross, in union with his consort Samayatara,
attended by the male Bodhisattvas Vajrapani and Sarvanivaranaviskambhin
and the female Bodhisattvas Gandha and Nartya - a group of six Buddha
Deities in a background of rainbows and lights. The green light of the All-accomplishing wisdom,
purity of the creation mosaic, green, piercing,
dazzling and clear, adorned with glistening drops and droplets, shines from
the heart of the Amoghasiddhi couple, precisely penetrating your heart
center, unbearable to see with your eyes.
Not fearing it, knowing it as the natural force of the wisdom of
your own awareness, enter the experience of the great, unoccupied
equanimity, free of attraction to the familiar and aversion to the alien!
At the same time a soft, envy-made red light of the titan realm
shines upon you together with the wisdom light ray. Meditate upon it with
attraction and aversion in balance. If you are of inferior mind, do not
indulge in it! At that time, under the influence of fierce jealousy, you panic
and are terrified by that brilliant, piercing green light, and you flee it in
alarm. You enjoy and are attached to that soft red light of the titan realm
and you approach it. But at that time you must fearlessly recognize that
brilliant green, piercing, dazzling clear light as wisdom. Upon it relax your
awareness in the experience of transcendence with nothing to do. Or again
pray and increase your love for it, thinking, "It is the light ray of the
compassion of Lord Amoghasiddhi! I take refuge in it!" It is the All-accomplishing wisdom, the
light ray of the tractor-beam of the compassion
of Lord Amoghasiddhi - have faith in it! Do not flee it! If you flee it, it
still will not leave you! Do not fear it!
Do not be enticed by that soft red light of the titan realms!
It is the path of destruction from the negative evolutionary actions you
have committed through your powerful jealously! If you cling to it, you
will fall into the titan realms; you will experience the intolerable suffering of
interminable fighting, and it will be an obstacle blocking the path of
liberation. Without clinging to it, abandon your instinct for it! Do not long
for it! Have faith in that dazzling bright green light! Aim your one-pointed
willpower toward the Lord Amoghasiddhi couple and make the following
"Hey! When I roam the life cycle driven by strong envy,
may the Lord Amoghasiddhi lead me on the path
of the clear light of the all-encompassing wisdom!
May his consort Buddha Samayatara back me on the way,
deliver me from the dangerous straits of the spiritual between,
and carry me to perfect Buddhahood!
By praying in this way with intense faith, you will dissolve into
rainbow light in the heart of Lord Amoghasiddhi couple and you will go to
the northern pure land Prakuta and attain Buddhahood in the Body of
Perfect Beatitude!
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! Listen without
wavering! Up until yesterday, the visions of the five Buddha-clans
appeared to you one by one. Though they were clearly described, under
the influence of negative evolution you were panicked, and still up to now
are left behind here. If you had already recognized the natural shining of
one of the wisdoms of the five clans as your own vision, it would have
caused you to dissolve into rainbow light in the body of one of the five
Buddha clans and to attain Buddhahood in the Body of Beatitude. As it is,
you did not recognize the light and you are still wandering here. Now,
behold without distraction! Now the vision of all the five clans and the
vision of the joining of the four wisdoms have come to escort you in their
direction. Recognize them!
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! The purity of the
four elements is dawning as the four lights. In the center the Vairochana
Buddha couple as described above appears from the pure land All-pervading Drop. In the east
the Vajrasattva Buddha couple with retinue
appears from the pure land Abhirati. In the south the Ratnasambhava
Buddha couple with retinue as described above appears from the pure land
Shrimat. In the west the Amitabha Buddha couple with retinue as
described above appears from the lotus-heaped pure land Sukhavate. In
the north the Amoghasiddhi Buddha couple with retinue as described
above appears from the pure land Prakuta, in a rainbow light background.
Hey, immortal one you who was called _____! Outside of those
five Buddha-clan couples appear the fierce male door guardians Vijaya,
Yamantaka, Hayagriva, and Amertakundali; the fierce female door
guardians Amkusha, Pasha, Sphota, and Ghanta; and the six Lord
Buddhas: Indra Shatakratu, the Buddha of the gods; Vemachitra, the
Buddha of the titans; Shakyamuni, the Buddha of the humans: Simham
the Buddha of the animals; Jvalamukha, the Buddha of the hungry ghostss; and
Dharmaraja, the Buddha of the hells. Also appearing is the All-around-goodness Samantabhadra
Father-Mother, the general ancestor of all
Buddhas. Altogether the host of the forty-two deities of the Beatific Body
emerges from you own heart center and appears to you. Recognize it as
you own pure vision!
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! Those pure lands
are not anywhere else - they abide in your own heart within its center and
four directions. They now emerge from out of your heart and appear to
you! Those images do not come from anywhere else! They are
primordially created as the natural manifestation of your own awareness -
so you should know how to recognize them!
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! Those deities, not
great, not small, symmetrical, each with ornamentation, color, posture,
throne, and gesture: those deities each pervaded by five mantras, each of
the five circled by a five colored rainbow aura; with male Bodhisattvas of
each clan upholding the male part and female Bodhisattvas of each clan
upholding the female part, with all the mandalas arising simultaneously
whole - they are your Archetype Deities, so you should recognize them!
Hey, immortal one, you who was called ____! From the heart of
those five Buddha-clan couples, four combined wisdom light rays dawn in
your heart center, each extremely subtle and clear, like sun rays woven
together in a rope.
Now first, from Vairochana's heart center, a cloth of the frightening
brilliant white light rays of the reality-perfection wisdom dawns connecting
to your heart center. Within that light-ray cloth, white drops glisten with
their rays, like mirrors facing toward you, very clear, brilliant, and
awesomely penetrating, with each drop itself naturally adorned with five
other drops. Thus that light-ray cloth is adorned with drops and droplets
without limit or center.
From the heart of Vajrasattva, the mirror wisdom, a cloth of blue
light rays shines brilliantly upon you connecting to your heart center, on
which shining blue drops like turquoise bowls facing down toward you,
adorned by other drops and droplets, all shine upon you.
From the heart of Ratnasambhave, a cloth of the equalizing wisdom
yellow light rays shines brilliantly upon you, on which golden drops like
golden bowls adorned by other golden drops and droplets face down and
dawn upon you.
From the heart center of Amitabha, the discriminating wisdom red
light cloth shines brilliantly upon you, on which radiant red drops like coral
bowls facing down to you, endowed with the deep luster of wisdom, very
bright and penetrating, each adorned by five natural red drops - all these
shine upon you adorned by drops and droplets without center or limit.
These also shine upon you connecting to your heart center.
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! These all arise
from the natural exercise of your own awareness. They do not come from
anywhere else! So do not be attached to them! Do not be terrified of
them! Relax in the experience of nonconceptualization. Within that
experience all the deities and light rays will dissolve into you and you will
become a Buddha!
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! Since the exercise
of the wisdom of your awareness is not perfected, the all-encompassing
wisdom's green light does not shine.
Hey, immortal one you who was called _____! These are the
visions of the four wisdoms in combination, the inner passageway of
Vajrasattva. At that time, you should remember the orientation previously
given by your spiritual teacher! If you remember that orientation, you will
trust those visions, you will recognize reality like a child meeting its
mother, or like the greeting of a long familiar person; and you will cease all
reifying notions. Recognizing your visions as your own creations, you will
trust your being held on the changeless path of pure reality, and you will
achieve the samadhi of continuity. Your awareness will dissolve into the
body of great effortlessness, and you will become a Buddha in the Beatific
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! Along with the
wisdom lights, there also arise impure, misleading visions of the six species;
namely, the soft white light of the gods, the soft red light of the titans, the
soft blue light of the humans, the soft green light of the animals, the soft
yellow light of the hungry ghostss, and the soft smoky light of the hells. These six
arise entwined in parallel with the pure wisdom lights. Therefore, do not
seize or cling to any of those lights. Relax in the experience of
nonperception! If you fear the wisdom lights and cling to the impure six-species life-cycle lights,
you will assume a body of a being of the six
species. You will not reach the time of liberation from the great ocean of
suffering of the life cycle. You will experience only trouble.
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! If you lack the
orientation given in the instruction of the spiritual teacher, and you fear and
are terrified by the above images and pure wisdom lights, you will come to
cling to the impure life-cycle lights. Do not do so! Have faith in those
dazzling, piercing pure wisdom lights! Trust in them, thinking, "These
light rays of the wisdom of the compassion of the Blissful Lords of the five
clans have come to me to hold me with compassion - I must take refuge in
them!" Not clinging, not longing for the misleading lights of the six
species, aim your will one-pointedly toward the five Buddha-clan couples,
and make the following prayer:
"Hey! When I roam the life cycle driven by the five strong passions, may the Lord Victors
of the five clans lead me on the path of the
clear light of the four wisdoms in combination!
May the supreme five Consort Buddhas back me on the way,
and deliver me from the impure lights of the six realms!
Delivering me from the dangerous straits of the between,
may they carry me to the five supreme pure lands!
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! You continue to
wander in the between! Listen without wavering! In the seventh period, a
five-colored, rainbow light will dawn to purify your instincts by immersion
into reality. At that time, from the pure land of the angels, the Scientist
Deity host will come to escort you. In the center of a mandala wreathed in
rainbows and lights, the unexcelled Scientist of evolutionary development,
Padmanarteshvara, will arise, his body lustrous with the five colors, his
consort the Red Angel wound round his body, performing the dance of
chopper and blood-filled skull bowl, striking the gazing posture toward the
From the east of that mandala the Stage-contemplating Scientist
will arise, white, his expression smiling, his consort the White Angel wound
round his body, performing the chopper and skull-bowl dance and the
gesture of gazing into space. From the south of that mandala the Lifespan-master Scientist will
arise, yellow with beautiful signs, his consort the
Yellow Angel wound round his body, performing the chopper and skull-bowl dance and the
gesture of gazing into space. From the west of that
mandala the Great Seal Scientist will arise, red with a smiling expression,
his consort the Red Angel wound round his body, performing the chopper
and skull-bowl dance and the gesture of gazing into space. From the north
of that mandala the Effortlessness Scientist will arise, green and smiling
fiercely, his consort the Green Angel wound round his body, performing
the chopper and skull-bowl dance and the gesture of gazing into space.
Positioned outside of those scientists, the infinite Angelic host
arises in order to escort the vow-holding devotee, and to punish the
breakers of vows; they are the eight death-ground Angels, the four classes
of Angels, the three holy place Angels, the ten holy place Angels, the
twenty-four holy land Angels, and the Heroes, the Heroines, and the
warrior deities, along with all their defenders, the Dharma-protectors. All
wear the six human bone ornaments, carry drums, thigh-bones trumpets,
skull drums, human skin victory standards, human skin parasols and
pennants, singed flesh incense, and play infinite different kinds of music.
They fill the entire universe, rocking, dancing, and shaking, all their musical
sounds vibrating as if to split your head open and performing various
Hey, immortal one, who was called ____! Spontaneously purifying
instincts in reality, the five-colored wisdom light striped like colored
threads wound together dazzles, shimmers, and shines steadily, clear and
brilliant, startlingly piercing; from the hearts of the five Scientist Lords it
blinds your eyes and penetrates your heart center. At the same time the
soft green light of the animal realm dawns together with the wisdom light.
At that time, under the influence of your instincts, you fear the five-colored
light and flee from it, enticed by the soft green light of the animal realm.
Therefore, do not be afraid of that energetic, piercing, five-colored light!
Do not be terrified! Recognize it as wisdom! From within the light comes
the thousand rolling thunders of the natural sound of teaching. The sound
is fierce, reverberating, rumbling, stirring, like fierce mantras of intense
sound. Do not fear it! Do not flee it! Do not be terrified of it! Recognize
it as the exercise of your own awareness; your own perception. Do not be
attached to that soft green light of the animal realms. Do not long for it! If
you cling to it, you will fall into the delusion-dominated realm of the
animals and you will suffer infinite miseries of stupefaction, dumbness, and
slavery, without any time of escape. So do not cling to it! Have faith in
that penetrating, bright, five-colored light! Aim you will one-pointedly
toward the Lord Scientist Master Deity host! Aim your will with the
"This Scientist Deity host with its Heroes and Angels has come to escort me to the pure
angelic heaven! O, you must know how beings such as me have accumulated no stores of merit
and wisdom. We have not been taken up by the grip of the light rays of
compassion of such a five-clan Deity host of the Blissful Buddhas of
the three times. Alas! Such am I! Now, you the Scientist Deity host,
from now on do not neglect me no matter what! Hold me with the
tractor-beam of your compassion! Right now draw me to the pure heaven
of the Buddha Angels!
Then you should make the following prayer:
"May the Scientist Deity host look upon me!
Please lead me on the path with your great love!
When I roam the life cycle driven by strong instincts,
may the Hero Scientists lead me on the path
of the clear light of orgasmic wisdom!
May their consort Angel host back me on my way,
deliver me from the dangerous straits of the between,
and carry me to perfect Buddhahood!"
When you make this prayer with intense faith, you will dissolve into
rainbow light at the heart center of the Scientist Deity host and without a
doubt will be reborn in the perfect Angel heaven realm.
Hey, immortal one who was called _____! If you can hear me, it is
because you continue to wander in the spiritual between! Listen without
wavering! The peaceful between already dawned, but you did not
recognize the light. So now you still must wander here. Now in this eighth
period, the Heruka Fierce Deity host will arise. Do not waver! Recognize
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! The great, glorious
Buddha Heruka appears, wine maroon in color, with three faces, six arms,
and four legs stretched out, his front face maroon, his right face white, his
left face red, his entire body blazing with light rays. His eyes glare, fiercely
terrifying, his eyebrows flash like lightning, his fangs gleam like new
copper. He roars with laughter, "A la la," and "Ha ha ha," and he makes
loud hissing noises like "shu-uu."
His bright orange hair blazes upward, adorned with skull crown and
sun and moon discs. His body is adorned with black snakes and a freshly
severed head garland. His first right hand holds a wheel, the middle an ax,
and the third a sword; his first left hand holds a bell, the middle a
plowshare, and the third a skull bowl.
His consort Buddha Krodhishvari enfolds his body, her right arm
embracing his neck, her left hand offering him sips of blood from her skull
bowl. She clucks her tongue menacingly and roars like thunder.
Both are ablaze with wisdom flames, shooting out from their
blazing vajra hairs. They stand in the warrior's posture on a throne
supported by garudas. Thus they arise manifestly before you, having
emerged from within your own brain! Do not fear them! Do not be
terrified! Do not hate them! Recognize them as an image of your own
awareness! He is your own Archetype Deity, so do not panic! In fact, they
are really Lord Vairochana Father and Mother, so do not be afraid! The
very moment you recognize them, you will be liberated!
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! Listen without
wavering! You continue to wander in the spiritual between! Now in the
ninth period the Lord Vajra Heruka of the Vajra-clan will arise before you,
emerging from within your brain. He is dark blue, with three faces, six
arms, and four legs stretched out. His front face is dark blue, his right face
is white, his left face is red. His first right hand holds a vajra, the middle a
skull bowl, and the third and ax; his first left hand hold a bell, the middle a
skull bowl, and the third a plowshare.
His consort Buddha Vajra Krodhishvari enfolds his body, her right
arm embracing his neck, her left hand offering him sips of blood from her
skull bowl.
Thus they manifest before you, having emerged from within your
own brain! Do not fear them! Do not be terrified! Do not hate them!
Recognize them as an image of your own awareness! They are your own
Archetype Deity, so do not panic! In fact, they are really Lord Vajrasattva
Father and Mother, so have faith in them! The very moment you recognize
them, you will be liberated!
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! You continue to
wander in the spiritual between! Listen without wavering! Now in the
tenth period the Jewel-clan Heruka, Lord Ratna Heruka, will manifest to
you, emerging from within your mind. He is dark yellow, with three faces,
six arms, and four legs stretched out, his front face dark yellow, his right
face white, his left face red. His first right hand holds a jewel, the middle a
khatvanga staff, and the third a club; his first left hand holds a bell, the
middle a skull bowl, and the third a trident.
His consort Buddha Ratna Krodhishvari enfolds his body, her right
arm embracing his neck, her left hand offering him sips of blood from her
skull bowl.
Thus they arise manifestly before your eyes, having emerged from
within the southern part of your own brain! Do not fear them! Do not be
terrified! Do not hate them! Recognize them as an image of your own
awareness! They are you own Archetype Deity, so do not panic! In fact,
they are really Lord Tatnasambhava Father and Mother, so have faith in
them! The very moment you recognize them, you will be liberated!
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! You continue to
wander in the spiritual between! Listen without wavering! Now in the
eleventh period, the Lotus-clan Heruka, Lora Padma Heruka, will manifest
before you, emerging from within your mind. He is dark red, with three
faces, six arms, and four legs stretched out, his front face dark red, his right
face white, his left face blue. His first right hand holds a lotus, the middle a
khatvanga staff, and the third a rod; his first left hand holds a bell, the
middle a skull bowl filled with blood, and the third a small drum.
His Consort Buddha Padma Krodhishvari enfolds his body, her
right arm embracing his neck, her left hand offering him sips of blood from
her skull bowl.
Thus they manifest before you, standing in sexual union, having
emerged from within your own brain! Do not fear them! Do not be
terrified! Do not hate them! Feel delight! Recognize them as an image of
your own awareness! They are your own Archetype Deity, so do not
panic! In fact, they are really Lord Amitabha Father and Mother, so have
faith in them! The very moment you recognize them, you will be liberated!
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! You continue to
wander in the spiritual between! Listen without wavering! Now in the
twelfth period, the Lord Karma Heruka of the Karma-clan will manifest
before you, emerging from within your brain. He is dark green, with three
faces, six arms, and four legs stretched out, his front face dark green, his
right face white, his left face red. His first right hand holds a sword, the
middle a khatvanga staff, and the third a rod; his first left hand holds a bell,
the middle a skull bowl, and the third a plowshare.
His Consort Buddha Karma Krodhishvari enfolds his body, her
right arm embracing his neck, her left hand offering him sips of blood from
her skull bowl.
Thus they manifest before you, standing in sexual embrace, having
emerged from the north of your own brain! Do not fear them! Do not be
terrified! Do not hate them! Recognize them as an image of your own
awareness! They are your own Archetype Deity, so do not panic! In fact,
they are really Lord Amoghasiddhi Father and Mother, so have faith in
them, feel deep reverence for them! The very moment you recognize them,
you will be liberated!
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! You continue to
wander in the between! Listen without wavering! The eight Gauri
goddesses will emerge from within your brain and appear to you! Do not
fear them! From the east of your brain appears to your east a white Gauri,
her right hand holding a corpse as a club and her left hand holding a blood-filled skull bowl. Do
not fear her! From the south, a yellow Chauri, aiming
a bow and arrow; from the west, a red Pramoha, holding a crocodile
victory standard; from the north, a black Vetali, holding a vajra and a
blood-filled skull bowl; from the southeast, an orange Pukkasi, her right
hand holding intestines, her left feeding them into her mouth; from the
southwest, a dark green Ghasmari, her left hand holding a blood-filled skull
bowl and her right hand holding a vajra, with which she stirs the blood and
feeds it into her mouth; from the northwest, a pale yellow Chandali holding
a body and head across her shoulders, her right hand holding a heart and
her left hand feeding herself with the corpse; from the northeast, a dark
blue Shmashani, feeding on a headless body; all these eight holy-ground
Gauri goddesses emerge from within your brain and appear to you
surrounding the five Herukas! Do not fear them!
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! Listen without
wavering! After that, the eight Pishachi ghouls of the holy lands will
appear to you! From the east a dark maroon, lion-headed Simhasya,
crossing her arms over her chest, holding a corpse in her mouth, and
tossing her mane; from the south, a red, tiger-headed Vyaghrasya, crossing
her arms downward, staring hypnotically and gnashing her fangs; from the
west, a black, jackal-headed Shrgalasya, with a razor in her right hand,
holding and feeding on intestines in her left hand; from the north, a dark
blue, wolf-headed Shvanasya, lifting a corpse up to her mouth with her two
hands and staring hypnotically; from the southeast, a light yellow, vulture-headed Grdhrasya,
carrying a corpse over her shoulder and holding a
skeleton in her hand; from the southwest, a dark red, hawk-headed
Kankhasya, carrying a corpse over her shoulders; from the northwest, a
black, crow-headed Kakasya, with a sword in her right hand, eating lungs
and hearts; from the northeast, a dark blue, owl-headed Ulukasya, eating
flesh and holding a vajra in her right hand and a sword in her left hand; all
these holy-land Pishachi ghouls emerge from within your brain and appear
to you surrounding the five Herukas! Do not fear them! Recognize
whatever arises as the creativity of your own visionary awareness!
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! Listen without
wavering! The four Door-guardian goddesses will emerge from your own
brain and appear to you, so recognize them! From the east of your brain, a
white, horse-headed Ankusha, with an iron hook in her right hand, and a
blood-filled skull bowl in her left hand, will appear to your east. From the
south, a yellow, pig-headed Pasha holding a noose; from the west, a red
lion-headed Shernkhala, holding an iron chain; from the north, a green,
serpent-headed Ghanta holding a bell; these four Door-guardian goddesses
will emerge from your brain and appear to you! Recognize them as being
your own Archetype Deities!
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! Outside of these
thirty fierce Heruka deities, the twenty-eight Ishvari goddesses with their
various heads and their various implements will emerge from within your
brain and appear to you. Do not fear them, but recognize them as the
creativity of your own visionary awareness! At this time when you have
arrived at the crucial moment of cessation, remember the instructions of
your spiritual teacher!
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! From the east, the
dark maroon, yak-headed Rakshasi holding a vajra; the orange, serpent-headed Brahmi holding a
lotus; the dark green, leopard-headed Maheshvari
holding a trident; the blue, mongoose-headed Lobha holding a wheel; the
red, mule-headed Kumari holding a javelin; the white, bear-headed Indrani
holding an intestine-noose; these six eastern Yoginis emerge from your
own brain and appear before you! Do not fear them!
From the west, the dark green, vulture-headed Bhakshasi holding a
club; the red, horse-headed Rati holding a human torso; the white, garuda-headed Mahabali
holding a club; the red, dog-headed Rakshasi holding a
vajra razor; the red, hoopoe-headed Kama aiming a bow and arrow; the
red-green, deer-headed Vasuraksha holding a vase; these six western
Yoginis emerge from within your brain and appear before you! Do not fear
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! From the north,
the blue, wolf-headed Vayavi holding a banner; the red, ibex-headed Narini
holding an impaling stake; the black, boar-headed Varahi holding a tusk-noose; the red,
crow-headed Rati holding a child's skin; the green-black,
elephant-headed Mahanasi holding a fresh corpse and drinking blood from
a skull bowl; the blue, serpent-headed Varuni holding a serpent-noose;
these six northern Yoginis will emerge from within your brain and appear
before you! Do not fear them!
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! The four outer
Door-guardian Yoginis will emerge from within your brain and appear
before you! From the east, the white, cuckoo-headed Vajra holding an iron
hook; from the south, the yellow, goat-headed Vajra holding a noose;
from the west, the red, lion-headed Vajra holding and iron chain; from the
north, the green-black, serpent-headed Vajra holding a bell; these four
Door Yoginis will emerge from within your brain and appear before you!
All these twenty-eight goddesses arise naturally from the creativity of the
self-originating bodies of the fierce Herukas- so you should recognize them
as Buddha-wisdom!
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! The Truth Body
arises from the voidness side as the peaceful deities! Recognize it! The
Beatific Body arises from the clarity side as the fierce deities! Recognize
it! At this time when the fifty-eight-deity Heruka host emerge from within
your brain and appear before you, if you know that whatever arises is
arisen from the natural energy of your own awareness, you will
immediately become nondual with the Heruka Body and become a Buddha!
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! If you do not
recognize that, you will cling to superficial reality, feel fear and hate, and
flee these deities. You will go down again into excessive misery! If you do
not recognize them, you will perceive the whole Heruka Deity host as if
they were Yamas, Lords of Death, and you will fear the Heruka deities.
You will hate them! You will panic! You will faint! Your own visions
having become devils, you will wander in the life cycle!
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! These mild and
fierce deities at most will be as big as space, at medium will be as large as
Sumeru, the planetary axis, at the least will be as large as eighteen times the
height of your own body-so do not be afraid of them! All visible existence
will arise as lights and deities! And all visions arising as lights and deities
must be recognized as the natural energy of your own awareness. When
your own energy dissolves nondually into these natural lights and deities,
you will become a Buddha!
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! What you see and
perceive, whatever terrifying visions occur, recognize them as your own
visions! Recognize the clear light as the natural energy of your own
awareness! If you so recognize, there is no doubt you will become a
Buddha right away! The so-called "instantaneous perfect Buddhahood"
will have come to pass! Remember this in your mind!
Hey immortal one, you who was called _____! If now you do not
recognize the light, and if you cling to terror, all the mild deities will arise
as black Mahakala guardians! All the fierce deities will arise as Yama
Dharmaraja deities! Your own visions having become devils, you will
wander in the life cycle!
Hey, immortal one, you who was called _____! When it happens
that such a vision arises, do not be afraid! Do not feel terror! You have a
mental body made of instincts; even if it is killed or dismembered, it cannot
die! Since in fact you are a natural form of voidness, anger at being injured
is unnecessary! The Yama Lords of Death are but arisen from the natural
energy of your own awareness and really lack all substantiality. Voidness
cannot injure voidness!
Except insofar as they arise from the natural creativity of your own
awareness, you must firmly decide that all that you see- the mild and fierce
deities, the Herukas, the animal-headed angels, the rainbow lights, and the
Yama deities- none is substantially, objectively existent! Once you
understand that, then all the fears and terrors become liberated on the spot,
you dissolve into nonduality and become a Buddha! If you so recognize
them, you must feel intense faith, thinking, "They are my Archetype
Deities! They have come to escort me through the straits of the between!
I take refuge in them!"
Be mindful of the Three Jewels! Remember whoever is your
Archetype Deity! Call him or her by name! Pray to him or her, "I am
wandering lost in the between - by my savior! Hold me with your
compassion, O precious deity!" Call on your spiritual teacher by name,
praying, "I am wandering lost in the between - be my savior! For
compassion's sake, do not let me go!" Feel faith in the Heruka Deity host,
and pray to them:
When I wander in the life cycle driven by powerful instincts,
may the host of mild and fierce Lords lead me on the path
of the clear light that conquers terror-visions of hate and fear!
May the fierce Ishvari goddess hosts back me on the way,
deliver me from the dangerous straits of the spiritual between
and carry me to perfect Buddhahood!
Now that I wander alone, apart from my loved ones,
and all my visions are but empty images,
may the Buddhas exert the force of their compassion
and stop the fear- and hate-drawn terrors of the between!
When the five lights of brilliant wisdom dawn,
fearless, bravely, may I know them as myself!
When the forms of the Lords mild and fierce arise,
bold and fearless, may I recognize the between!
Now when I suffer by the power of negative evolution,
may the Archetype Deities dispel that suffering!
When reality crashes with a thousand thunders
may they all become OM MANI PADME HUM!
When I am pulled by evolution without recourse,
may the Compassion Lord provide me refuge!
When I suffer due to evolutionary instincts,
may the clear light bliss samadhi dawn upon me!
May the five main elements not arise as enemies!
May I behold the pure lands of the five Buddha-clans!
Thus you should pray with intense reverence and faith! It is
extremely important, since your fear and terror will thus disappear and you
will surely become a Buddha in the Beatific Body! Do not waver!