How can we increase the level of peace in the world We can't. Consider that A Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim vision of peace will
never manifest WorldPeace because the dictates of all religious If I am a minority of one, the truth is still the truth. Dr Jwp JD This is our cry. This is our prayer. Peace in the World !
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30 years ago, in April 1988, I was about to turn 40. My first marriage had ended the prior year. My life had dramatically changed and I needed a new template for the rest of my life journey. I decided the Global focus of my life would be as an Advocate for Peace and WorldPeace. I changed my name to John WorldPeace as a commitment to that focus. I am focused on the three main entities which control the level of Peace in the world human society. Politics, Religion, and the Law. I have significant education and experience in each of these three areas. My WorldPeace Advocacy is about creating a more sane and just world human society. We are on the threshold of a transcendence of the human race. America is proof that all Races, all Religions, all Nationalities can live in peace. Donald Trump represents America on the wrong path to the future. Donald Trump was a wakeup call for America and the world. He is the darkness before the coming light of a New America leading a New Global Age where spirituality guides an emerging global democratic, all-inclusive world human society. Running for President is a very significant aspect of my WorldPeace Advocacy. When the election is over in November 2020, I will be President or I will not. But nothing will change for me. I will push American Democracy forward, I will push WorldPeace forward, I will carve out the doom and gloom and judgmental aspects of Christianity. I will remove the darkness from its light. Jesus said, ?Ask and receive, seek and find, knock and enter. If you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can move mountains. Truly if you believe in me you can do the works I do and greater works will you do.? This means the future of the world human society is what we script it to be. There is no set future except what we script and that is the path we are now engaged upon. I am the self-designated focal point of this New Millennium. Dr. John WorldPeace JD. 1/1/2019. My primary purpose in this life is to challenge the predatory nature of homo sapiens globally. My focus is a more sane and just world. There are a huge number of global issues that decrease the level of peace in the world human society. There is a determination to turn the beautiful earth into a sterile desert. The UN is a joke. It promotes and ignores more things that decrease the level of peace in the world human society than it does things that would increase the level of peace in the world human society. My focus is on politics, local and global, religious bias which creates secular injustice, the global ecology, racial prejudice, bias, and injustice, economics, colonizing the moons and planets of the solar system, the harvesting or asteroids and comets for profit that will impact on the global economy. And my focus is generally on all aspects of increasing the level of peace in the world human society. My focus is on the least chaotic and most peaceful method of promoting the transcendence of the world human society out of it primal predatory mentality. The control of the UN by the USA, Britain, France, China, and Russia leads to incredible levels of chaos, death, prejudice and injustice. The political structure of the UN makes it corrupt and impotent. The nations of the world need to draft a new Democratic and Just resolution for the UN’s political structure and if it is not adopted all the nations of the world need to withdraw from the United Nations and form A United Federation of Nations. It must be secular. It must recognize the equality of women. It must be color blind. It needs to have a President and an Upper House of 2 representatives per nation and a lower house based on the population as an overall structure. It is my intention to have a citizenship from each nation of the world such that I become the first world citizen. I generally have no desire for kingship or any formal position in any political or religious organization. That being said, I may run for political office if I feel it will further my goal of increasing the level of peace in the world human society. My intent is to be a global advocate for increasing the level of peace and justice in the world human society. I have no intention to set up any kind of organization. I will work through the United Nations and its successor and within national politics and religious and spiritual organizations. In all cases, I will be an advocate for increasing the level of peace and justice in the world human society. It is my intention to live a minimalist life to prove that the accumulation of wealth is not necessary for a happy and successful life and that it, in fact, creates confusion and chaos in one’s life as well as the world human society. Without assets or an organization, I will be above being influenced by power centers. The only power I will have is the power of the truth of the aspects of my Advocacy of WorldPeace. I will constantly update this Statement of Purpose. I have no intention of setting up any kind of dynasty. When I leave this reality it will become obvious who will take my place, if anyone. I am one human being with one message: WorldPeace. More succinctly; increasing the level of peace in the world human society. Everything else I communicate is just commentary on the primary message. My family are those who are in harmony with increasing the peace in the world human society. My family discounts biology. All men are my father, brother, son. All women are my mother, sister, daughter. I do not belong to any organization. I am not a religionist but a spiritualist. The difference is that religion is a corporation. Spirituality is a direct relationship with God. Religion gives lip service to spirituality but its reality is political power and domination. When the spiritual teachings threaten the secular political goals of a religion, the spiritual teachings are subordinated to the corporate survival. I am American because I was born in America from American parents. I am White and male by virtue of genetics. I am a follower of Jesus. The most important teaching of Jesus is that we write our own script in life. Ask and Receive, Seek and Find, Knock and Enter. If you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can move mountains. If you believe in me you will do the works I do and greater works than these will you do. We write our own script as individuals and members of any group. All prophecy is subject to change in this reality. The second teaching is Do unto others as you want to be done to you, which is about secular political justice. Love one another is the spiritual corollary to Do Unto Others.
1) Do you think that the world human society can burn fossil fuels until the Garden of Eden that was the earth is turned into a desert and all species of plants and animals are rendered extinct and Jesus is going to come and fix that and take you off to heaven somewhere with a big smile on his face? ARE YOU SO DELUSIONAL TO THINK THAT THE LEVEL OF PEACE IN THE WORLD IS GOING TO INCREASE WITHOUT YOU TEACHING PEACE IN EVERY COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY IN THE WORLD? HOW TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY DELUSIONAL AND OR APATHETIC YOU ARE!
WELCOME This is the hub website of Dr. John WorldPeace JD. The purpose of this website is to understand what I am doing in this reality, this dimension, this dreamscape. This is an attempt to understand religion and spirituality. Religion is and attempted bureaucracy of spirituality. It is humanity’s interpretation and translation of God. It is defective and incomplete always. This is an attempt to understand politics. This is an attempt to understand the law. These three, religion, politics and the law, determine the level of peace in the world human society and explain why the level of peace has not advanced beyond its current level after many millennia of human civilization. These three dictate my need for an all-encompassing WorldPeace Advocacy. The things I write, the poems, haiku, novels, autobiography, biographies, commentaries, essays, sacred book interpretations and my art are all anchored in the above question of What am I doing here? It is a personal quest I am sharing with the world human society. This is one man’s journey of life. There will never be an organized bureaucracy established by me to bring all the above into some enslaving doctrine or dogma. We are immortal infinite spirits that were never born and will never die (the great mystery) who always existed in the Infinite Potential/Infinite Oneness, who have incarnated in a finite mortal human body and mind where duality can be experienced through the limited filter of the human body and mind. Outside the perception of the human body, at the highest levels of the Infinite Oneness, there is no duality, no time and no space, no beginning no end, where everything exists. Life is delusional and the awakening from this insanity comes with the death of the body and termination of the mind. Within every human body and mind, exists the soul which is a link to the Infinite Oneness where all things exits and all questions have answers. But in these bodies and in the lower levels of the Infinite Oneness there exist confusion that the current finite mortal reality is the true reality and this confusion blinds the soul to the true reality of infinite immortality. This Infinite Potential is God into which we are incorporated, from which we materialize and disintegrate. Any description of God is limiting and infinitely inadequate and therefore not God. The human body and mind is a blinder, a filter that is not designed to be more than marginally aware of the Infinite Potential. The human body and mind make available one dreamscape of infinite dreamscapes within the Infinite Potential, the Infinite Oneness. We are conscious of this dimension but exist in all dimensions. Everything thing we say is a metaphor and the trick is to not confuse the metaphor for the true reality. I am on a quest that I am sharing. I am nothing special. I am just another infinite immortal spirit incarnate in a deteriorating body and mind. At birth, death begins. At death more of the Infinite Potential is revealed. Don’t follow me, look inside yourself where there is greater access to a greater awareness. All I have done is identify a limited number of peepholes into an Infinite reality that seems a dream as opposed to the true reality. Take or leave what I have revealed about my journey but know to create a doctrine or dogma out of this personal commentary will result only in creating a prison with your own body and mind. As long as I live, I will push out the edge of my envelop. As long as I live I will continue to leave a sketchy trail. The only difference between you and me is that I have spent my life on my path. Join me or not. I have no rewards to bestow on you at any time. Your life is as valid as mine. For those of you on the same path as myself, I am leaving markers, breadcrumbs for you. That is all. John WorldPeace 160721 0630. INSIGHTS FROM BEING JOHN WORLDPEACE SINCE 1988
2) Jesus said, "Do not judge others." This means do not distinguish yourself from others based on religion, race, nationality or gender. Do not do it with regards to individuals and do not do it with regards to other races, religionists, nationalities or genders. There is absolutely no difference between human beings with regards to their desire to live a peaceful and secure life and to enjoy their achievements and their families and friends. To demonize another religion, race, nation or women to justify their persecution is a great moral wrong and an evil that will come back on the perpertrators. This is the law of the universe. It is a law of balance. It is a law of justice. It is the law of light. It is the law of the universe if you will. What you do to others, individuals or groups, will return to you in the same measure and degree as that which you foisted on others. 3) Jesus said, "Ask and you will receive, seek and find, knock and enter." This is the most profound truth of all the wise men who have ever lived. What it means is that we script our own reality and we control our own dream (life in this dimension). What we believe, what we project, when it is accompanied by physical action, manifests in our lives or as our lives. This truth is virtually absolute. In the overall summary of ones life, it is absolutely impacted by a script he or she agreed to and wrote prior to entry into this dimension. So there is a foundational spiritual script and within that script there is a day to day logical linear earthly control over how we experience this reality and what we experience in this life. 4) God is a loving God. Love one another is God's commandment and Do unto others as you would have done to you are God's foundational laws. Any human being who attempts to clothe God as a judgmental tyrant who spreads hate and dissension within the world human society which God created is delusional and worshipping a false God. Anyone who claims a right to harm others based on their particular belief in God is absolutely confused and lost in the manifestations of this reality. 5) In the Book of Hebrews 8:10 in the Christian Bible God says "I will put my laws into their minds and write them on their hearts, and I will be their God and they shall not teach anyone his fellow or anyone his brother, saying 'Know the Lord', for ALL shall know me, from the least of them to the greatest." This is the reality of today, to know God, all any human being needs to do is to turn inside in prayer or meditation and there he or she will find God's truth and guideance and reminders of how we are to be all inclusive and democratic in our relationship with others and refuse to harm or discriminate against or prey upon any other human being in the world human society. 6) WorldPeace. The eternal foundational cause of chaos and disharmony in the world human society is Change. All things that manifest from God in time disintegrate back into God. This applies to all things tangible and intangible and thoughts and things and undeniably to human beings. Therefore, in this reality, THERE WILL NEVER BE A PERFECT PEACE. A perfect peace can only manifest if every human being is forever turned into stone, time stops, and interaction of any kind ceases to exist. That being said, we can collectively control our global and universal dream by writing a script of peace and harmony that will increase the peace and harmony within the world human society (not manifest a perfect peace). Change is the ever present reality that permeates everything. Those who accept this truth find peace, those who reject this truth find pain and suffering. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord. This is our cry.
This is our prayer. Peace in the World ! THE AWAKENING THE AWAKENING
On December 22, 2007, I became a political prisoner in the United States Federal Bureau of Prisons. The official charge was resisting my attempted arrest (which I did not do) by a Deputy Federal Marshall on a CIVIL bench warrant to appear as a witness in a federal court. I was charged with a misdemeanor for which I served the maximum sentence of one year, day for day, in the Harris County Jail and in the Brooks County Federal Detention Center in Falfurrias, Texas, USA (A Federal Contract Prison which does not come under the rules and regulations and Constitutional guarantees of the Federal Prison System). I had no criminal history, no prior
arrest and I pled guilty dispite my innocence because I fully understand
American justice. I was kept in solitary confinement because I am White among 500 Hispanic prisoners (and 4 segregated Black prisoners),
was denied medical treatment, was given an inadequate amount of food to
eat, was denied telephone privileges and denied recreation as well as
kept in a cell that on the average was 65 degree farenheit. I have been John WorldPeace since April 1, 1988 and I have learned a few things about peace and world peace. The most significant thing I have learned is that people hate peace and generally laugh at the potential reality of world peace. They hate even more those who advocate peace and world peace. The world of human beings is a cynical unforgiving place where love, compassion, and tolerance finds it hard to secure a foothold. In time, I will tell my story. My story is one of a man engaged in the grassroots impediments to peace and world peace and not one of a pacifist sitting on the sidelines thinking about peace which is just one step above apathy. The core impediments to peace and world peace are race, religion, nationality and gender and their manifestations and manipulations by politics, the law and bureaucratic religion. I am a son, father and grandfather. I have been a husband (twice), a scholar, a soldier, a prisoner, an advocate for peace and world peace, a candidate for governor of Texas, a mason and Shriner, an attorney (After 20 years I was rightly disbarred from a club of vicious predators in a combative money driven American legal system because I am, thank God, not one of them), artist, writer, an anvil and a hammer. And through it all I have remained a spiritual Christian with never a moment's doubt regarding the true nature of this temporary earthly reality and the infinite immortal fact of an eternal all inclusive God who is my resting place and that underneath me are the Everlasting arms. I am the fool who has gone where few dare to go. I am the hero with a thousand faces. At the end of my life, no matter the impact of what I have done, I will be able to say in truth that I tried. That I tried to increase the peace and world peace within the world human society. Something else that I have learned the hard way through experience is that evil is a tar baby. You cannot engage it without getting it on you. In attacking evil, to some degree you become evil. The best thing to do is to avoid evil. Yet there are times when this is not possible. When you must engage evil, don't deal in evil and when your engagement has run its course use prayer and meditation to cleanse yourself of the darkness that you have taken within you. This is not easy to fully understand or apply. But it is none-the-less absolutely true. There is no global advocate for world peace on this earth but me. There are many who advocate peace for women's equality, civil rights, justice, freedom, and who confront racial prejudice and hatred between humans and the never ending pain and suffering brought about by predatory sociopathic acts and apathy in many local arenas as do I. But many people do acts of charity as Americans but maintain their prejudice against non Christians. Many Christians who do much good still maintain their racial and gender bias. Christian Americans supported slavery and committed genocide against the Native Americans. The Catholic church denies women the rank of Cardinal and Pope. America stinks of gender bias against women as does the entire world human society. Only I have a global vision that encompasses all these worthy ranks of peace and world peace advocates. There is only one person who has taken the name WorldPeace. Within my advocacy all are included. I embrace all but I belong to no organization. To become a member of any group, one is required to take on an air of elitism and exclusiveness and with it prejudice and judgment and their undeniable manifestations of pain and suffering and apathy within the world human society based on unsupportable groundless core racial, religious, national and gender prejudice and bias. I will never accept the ridiculous argument (lie) that there is an inherent difference among humans in the world society based on race, religion, nationality or gender (which is the most debilitating and destructive impediment to peace and world peace). I will never accept that we cannot increase the peace. I reject fundamentalist Christian apathy that accepts pain and suffering while they wait on Jesus to return (from where I do not know); a Jesus, who advocated a proactive love day to day, moment to moment. The reality of Jesus is that he is ever present. He went nowhere. I may well be speaking to the deaf. But that will not discourage me from trying to make a difference because I know that at the end of this life all I have will be taken from me and I will exit this reality with only my acts and omissions to present to an all inclusive God. Let those who have ears, hear. Let those who have eyes, see. Barak Obama's election was a miracle. With his election as President of the United States a window to the Third Millennium has opened. The time of the last of the CroMagnon/Neanderthal presidents has passed from the scene of American politics. Think about all these children of the Third Millennium connected on the internet; from all over the world. World peace has a chance. This is my audience. This generation. Not the brain dead, apathetic, cynical, war mongering baby boomers who in the 60's were politically motivated but who soon after the Vietnam War ended sold out like their parents for the traditional materialistic American world vision; nor their children. The baby boomers who learned nothing from Vietnam and who not only said or did nothing but also endorsed another unwinnable devasting conflict as George Bush began an ongoing war in Iraq and Afghanistan based on lies like "weapons of mass destruction" and a Saddam/Osama conspiracy: where George has undeniably caused the killing and pain and suffering of more Iraqis and Americans than Saddam ever thought of harming. Saddam who we executed after a farcical show trial. George Bush sowed the wind and we now live in the whirlwind of a potential American and world economic meltdown, the ongoing ripple effect of two wars and a planet which is about to rebel at the destruction of the virus that is apathetic human beings with insatiable materistic demands. It is the grand children of the baby boomers who are the first true digital natives and to whom the dream of a more just, sane and ecologically sustainable world in the Third Millennium belongs. This is why I intend to live to be 100. I must see how this new generation matures and turns out. And God willing maybe I can be a part of their destiny. No doubt I am not the only one of my peers awakened to and committed to supporting these children and the hope of peace and world peace they promise. But none are more committed than myself. I never left the political antiwar pro civil justice mindset of the 60's while at the same time refusing to participate in the drug underside of the social change of the 60's that is fueling death and chaos, pain and suffering as those same American baby boomers buy illegal drugs from south of the United States' border and heroine grown in that other Bush war zone of Afghanistan. An opium economy which even the sociopathic Taliban are sane enough to see as an evil even darker than their world vision but who cultivate it to finance their rebellion and anarchy. The level of peace and world peace in the world human society at any particular moment is in part the sum of all the human random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty! We cannot create world peace much less a perfect peace because the nature of this reality is change and a perfect peace is absolute stagnation. But we can increase the peace. That we can do. That is all I am advocating. A New Millennium has begun.
Peace Now ! All we are saying is Give Peace
and World Peace a Chance. For more go to the Site
Map above.
The world human society has been committed to bureaucratic religion for millennia. Yet, the truth is that no religion has promoted a philosophy of World Peace that has worked: that has significantly increased the peace. The reason is that bureaucratic religion is exclusionary and elitist and World Peace is democratic and all inclusive. No country has developed a workable formula for World Peace because all countries adhere to the classical primal "survival of the fittest" doctrine. It is an "us against them" mindset. The greatest paradox is the United States which embraces all immigrants from whatever country as equals. Yet as an example, people who have immigrated from Iraq and who have become American citizens and fully integrated as equals into American society still contend with their families and friends in Iraq being genericly villified. The world human society has tried all kinds and methods of appointing judges and yet the truth is that every justice system in the world human society is corrupted by money and power. The truth is that there is nothing but the perception of justice by the majority of people who have NEVER been involved in a civil or criminal lawsuit. The time has come for a new approach to religion, politics and the law for the purpose of increasing the peace in the world human society. The time has come to experiment with something new. The foundation of that new philosophy is one of democracy and inclusion by focusing on the fact that we are each and everyone first human beings and second religionist and nationalist, male/female and colored. The time has come to define a new system of justice that prevents judicial influence by litigants and their attorneys. The time has come more than anything else to give women equality in the world human society and immediately end their undeniable world wide subordination. The subordination of women is a pervasive impediment to peace and one that bolsters the negative effects religion, politics and the law in the world human society. And we must stop abusing human beings based on the color of their skin. We must become color blind. The core impediment to peace is change. We cannot stop change because it is not only the nature of the universe it is the nature of this entire reality. We must find a way to reduce the negative ripple effects of change. This entire web site is devoted to the objective of increasing the peace in the world human society by seeking workable solutions to the unnecessary chaos and disharmony that infects and affects the entire human population. I am one simple man with one simple message: WorldPeace. Everything else on this web site is just commentary. If I am a minority of one, the truth is still the truth. I encourage you to engage in the work of increasing the peace in the world. When peace becomes our priority, WorldPeace will become our reality. John WorldPeace WORLD PEACE DEFINED
WORLDPEACE (World Peace) IS: I. Impediments to WorldPeace
(World Peace) DEFINITION OF WORLDPEACE (World Peace) WorldPeace (which is normally written as two words; world peace) indicates that world and peace are two things. Conceptually world peace should be written as one word. The discussion is about WorldPeace not about world peace. A discussion about world peace, two words, is meaningless. World peace has four major componets. The four core componets of world peace are 1) political 2) religious 3) racial and 4) gender bias against women. All four of these componets are in essence charged with and mandated and responsible for the promotion of peace in the world. Yet as core divisions in the world human population they are divided into elitist exclusive clusters. As elitist exclusive clusters of human beings they cannot promote world peace becasue world peace is an all inclusive democratic concept. Therefore an American peace will never manifest world peace because an American peace excludes other national concepts of peace as opposed to including them. So the concept of American Peace as applied to the world is capable of no more than an American peace which the majority of the world politically rejects. The same way the Buddhist reject a concept of world peace based on Jesus, and White humans reject a concept of world peace based on Black humans and men reject a concept of peace that gives women true equality in the world human society. So world peace requires a discussion of peace without distinguishing the world human population by nationality, race, religion or gender. A discussion of world peace must be held by WORLD CITIZENS who have subordinated their race, religion, nationality and gender. The problem of course is that in reality these four divisions argue that the absence of world peace is due to the opposition of other componets of the categories of race, religion, nationality or gender. This discussion of world peace must include a discussion of all of these divisions of the world human society and how they impact and are in fact an impediment to world peace even as they advocate world peace. To propose that world peace is limited to peace among nations and ignoring the underlying lack of peace due to religious and racial wars and the undeniable global fact of the subordination of women is like discussing assault weapons as the only cause of mass murder. Dr John WorldPeace JD - Easter Message April 9, 2017 IS REINCARNATION REAL IN response to: Is reincarnation real? The spirit is immortal and infinite. The human body is finite and mortal. The spirit incarnates into the human body for the purpose of experiencing time and space. Through the human body the spirit can slow down its consciousness of the Infinite Potential so that it can experience existence intensely. The spirit was never born and will never die. This is the great mystery that the human body mind cannot conceptualize because in this dimension everything that manifests from the Infinite Potential in time disintegrates back into it. As we get into an automobile and animate it and then exit it, it dies but does not immediately cease to exist, the spirit enters the body and in time exits the body and the body dies and disintegrates. The Infinite Potential is One and within that One the Potential of All things tangible and intangible exists. The infinite immortal spirit can exists in any dimension in any reality of which there are infinite possibilities (dreamscapes). Whatever you can conceive has always existed. This is the great mystery. In death one can return to the past or return to the future. In the Infinite Oneness there is no distinction in time and space. Only through incarnating in the human body can one distinguish and experience time and space. So those who only believe in the tangible dimension are delusional. The tangible which is mortal and finite is manifested by the intangible which is immortal and infinite. The tangible is the lesser dimension. The Infinite Potential is the Oneness from which all things tangible and intangible manifest and back into which all things disintegrate. This is the great mystery. When you understand this concept you will see what Jesus was talking about when he said ask and receive, seek and find, knock and enter, and if you have the faith of a mustard seed you can move mountains and if you believe in me you can do what I have done and greater things can you do. Jesus was saying we are scripting our reality moment by moment. This dimension as all dimensions are pliable. Nothing is impossible for you. We are living in a dreamscape. When I say these things to people some laugh and call me crazy. If they did not laugh their confusion in the manifestations of this dreamscape would not be so obvious. Confusion is believing this finite mortal dreamscape is the true reality as opposed to the infinite immortal Infinite Potential as the overriding reality. As Jesus said do not store up things on earth which disintegrate. It is time for humanity to awaken and transcend into a more just and sane world human society. That is why I am here to work with others toward the coming ascension (I am not referring to the nonsensical ascension written about in the Book of Revelation.) Dr John WorldPeace JD 170409. |
Personal Photographic Profile of Dr John WorldPeace JD Dr John WorldPeace JD 171013 Dr John WorldPeace JD 180909 The road to Peace and WorldPeace is not a passive one. A passive peace activist is useless with regards to increasing the level of peace in the world human society if not an impediment. Dr Jwp JD 170917
The Prophet Elijah So Obadiah went to tell King Ahab that Elijah had come, and Ahab went out to meet Elijah. 17 When Ahab saw him, he exclaimed, “So, is it really you, you troublemaker of mankind?” 1 Kings 18:16 Do you think I have come to bring peace to the earth? Luke 12:51 "I will study and prepare myself, and someday my chance will come." Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here am I, Send me!" Isaiah 6:8 ”7 That night God appeared to Solomon and said to him, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” "Give me wisdom and knowledge.” 2 Chronicles 1: 7-10 15 "But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15 "When Peace becomes our Priority, WorldPeace will become our Reality" - "WorldPeace is one word. Until it is written as one word, it will be two things." - "How can we increase the level of Peace in the world human society if we do not teach peace in our colleges and universities?" - THE DAILY MEDITATION OF Dr John WorldPeace JD DR JOHN WORLDPEACE JD STATEMENT OF PURPOSE
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE I did not come into this life to accumulate wealth as a mark of success in life. I have always been interested in living a significant life. I never tried to achieve great wealth because as Jesus said you cannot take it with you. And trying to hold on to something that is undeniably deconstructing back into the infinite Oneness just seems silly. The only thing we take with us in death is our record of life. I am primarily an Advocate of Peace but not a pacifist. For the most part, everything I have ever done in this life has been focused on increasing the peace in the world human society. My art, business, writing, education, have, if you take the time to engage with what I have communicated in words and deeds, will show a focus on constantly increasing the peace. For me, it is absolutely critical that my life reflect my philosophy, cosmology. Children, and I am not speaking down to adults as children, but children will take greater notice of what the parents do as opposed to what they say. As a peace advocate there are three entities in the world human society that have a rippling global impact on the moment to moment level of peace: Religion, Government and the Law. I have studied formally and alone these areas and I have experimented by involvement in these areas to try to understand why the current impact of these three entities is not more progressive and active in increasing the level of peace in the world human society. Religion is a manipulation of human beings for power and money in the world. When the message of the founder of the religion conflicts with the goals of the bureaucracy, number one of which is to survive, then the message of the founder is skewed. As an example, women are subordinated in religion which is contrary to the teaching of Jesus I am a spiritual Christian, not a religious one. I believe absolutely in the words of Jesus but only marginally in the doctrines and dogmas of Christianity. The truth of Jesus is his teaching that we create our own reality. We write our own script in life. Otherwise what does Ask and Receive, Seek and Find, Knock and enter mean. If you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can move mountains. Truly if you believe in me you will do the works I do and greater works than these will you do because I go to the Father. Religion denies this individual script writing for the lives of human beings. Politicians are not necessarily corrupt in a democracy but they are the straw men of their constituents, more so their largest supporters financially. Politician will always do what is in the best interest of their largest financiers as opposed to what is good for society. That is why when they know right, they do not do it. Judges are all to some degree corrupt. They are appointed and supported by those in power and the largest law firms. If a judge comes from a certain law firm and while on the bench his firm is involved in a case, that firm is going to have help from that judge or the firm is going to give campaign dollars to another judge. The whole system is rigged in favor of the big firms and the sitting politicians and their primary financial supporters. My goal is to increase the peace in the world human society. That is it. That is the attainable goal. I am not trying to create a perfect peace. You will have to look to Jesus for that. Even though at one particular time or moment I may be more engaged in politics than the law or religion and spirituality, but I am never disengaged significantly from any of these three. Charles Manson a man on an evil scale for less than Hitler said someone has to be a mass murderer. Maybe. That is the role he assumed. I am assuming the role of a global Peace and WorldPeace advocate. So as I continue to attack Donald Trump, non violently, do not think that what is happening in the Law and Religion within the world human society is escaping my notice. Lastly, know that I talk to Jesus everyday and then I pick up my cross, metaphorically speaking, and continue my journey which is my life. Dr John WorldPeace JD 170727 DR JOHN WORLDPEACE JD BELIEVES REGARDING WORLDPEACE I, Dr John WorldPeace JD, am the ONLY GLOBAL PEACE ADVOCATE who believes to increase the level of peace in the world human society we must see each other as human beings first and refuse to demonize those who are not of our same race, religion, nationality or gender. An American peace will not manifest WorldPeace. A White peace will not manifest WorldPeace. A particular religious peace has never manifested WorldPeace. A male peace will not manifest WorldPeace. I REFUSE to sit by in apathy and watch nations destabilized, the warming of the planet, the extinction of endangered species, woman's inequality, wars, genocide, politically based incarceration, demonizing races and religions and governments with a guilt by association mentality, and so on. I advocate what increases the level of peace in the world human society without racial, religious, national or gender bias. DR JOHN WORLDPEACE JD'S NAME CHANGE
NAME CHANGE TO JOHN WORLDPEACE: I changed my name to John WorldPeace (one word) on April 1, 1988, Good Friday and April Fool's day. I was the first in the world to change my name to WorldPeace as a commitment to increasing the peace in the world human society. And a far as I know, the only one in the world with the name WorldPeace. I think there are some with the name World Peace. But none have the education, experience and credentials as a peace advocate that I have much less three decades of dedication and determination to make a difference by increasing the level of peace in the world human society. 160724 WHAT YOU WILL NOT FIND ON THIS WEBSITE
WHAT YOU WILL FIND ON THIS WEBSITE What you will find on this site: My personal commentary on peace and world peace and my experiences regarding my attempt to increase the peace in the world human society is what this site is about. I have always taken the road less traveled and it has made all the difference. I believe as did Helen Keller that life is a daring adventure or nothing. SOME THINGS I HAVE LEARNED AS JOHN WORLDPEACE
Some things I have learned as John WorldPeace: 1) The nature of this earth, this universe, and this reality is Change. All things forever manifest from the Infinite Oneness and in time disintegrate back into that Infinite Oneness. For this reason there will never be world peace much less perfect peace on earth. All we can do is to aspire to increase the level of peace and world peace that presently exists in the world human society. 2) Have no doubt that evil and darkness permeate everything. Know that you can never engage evil without becoming to some degree infected with its virus. Yet, sometimes, it is necessary to stand up against wrongful things in the world humans society that create disharmony and chaos and unjust suffering for others. The truth is often paradoxical. DR JOHN WORLDPEACE JD STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND INCOME " No one can serve two masters: Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the bodymore than clothes? Look at the birds of the air: They do not sow or reap or gather into barns—and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"
![]() ASSETS AND INCOME: I, Dr John WorldPeace JD have: no organization to join; no vehicle to receive donations; no non profit tax shelter. My funds come from my web design business, art and books. All incoming monies go to promoting my businesses which collaterally promote WorldPeace in one way or another. I live an austere personal lifestyle but dynamic businesses and WorldPeace Advocacy reality. My only assets are my businesses; web design, art, books. My ego is firmly anchored in my WorldPeace Advocacy and not in anyway with the egotistic accumulation and managment of physical assets or money in the bank as an objective in my life. I am 100% committed to increasing the peace in the world human society and not committed to the accumulation of assets except incidentally, as above, to promote WorldPeace. 160724 WHO IS DR JOHN WORLDPEACE JD WHO IS DR. JOHN WORLDPEACE JD? I am the only global WorldPeace Advocate. This means I was born an American but do not promote strictly an American path to WorldPeace. I was born White but I do not promote an exclusive White path to WorldPeace. I was born Male but I promote a gender equality and the end of second class citizenship for women worldwide. I was raised a religious (bureaucratic) Christian but I rejected religious Christianity and embraced a spiritual Christianity. Jesus is the only spiritual teacher who according to many witnesses died on the cross and rose from the dead and teaches that we create our own reality (write the scripts we are living) both personally and as a member of a group of like minded individuals. It is a secular message of "ask and receive, seek and find, knock and enter". A spiritual Christian embraces all religions and spiritual orientations. A religious Christian does not. A religious Christian embraces an exclusive, elitist view of Christianity, a spiritual Christian embraces an all inclusive, democratic view regarding all religions and spiritual orientations. Spiritual Christians attend and support other religions but do not become members. So there are Spiritual Christians who attend Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish events and support them but do not become members because to become a member one becomes an elitist and creates a me verses them mentality. I refuse that philosophy, that cosmology. No other WorldPeace advocate today or in the past has functioned in a peace advocacy that is not grounded in a local mentality of religion, politics, race or gender. These people do positive work for peace but they are still elitist and exclusionist and part of a me verses them mindset that is an impediment to Peace and WorldPeace. 160724
THE REALITY AND IMPOTENCE OF PEACE ORGANIZATIONS PEACE ORGANIZATIONS REALITY. During the build up to the Iraq war, there were many hundreds of thousands people who attended peace rallies in Europe but they made no impact on the lies of George W. Bush about weapons of mass destruction and a Al Qaeda/Saddam link must less stop the war mongering. The reason was there was no designated individual supported by the anti war moment to go head to head with George W. Bush who had Americans and the American politicians and bureaucratic offices to support his bad intentions and the reality of a completely chaotic Middle East and ISIS. The only high profile peace advocate at that time was Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks. Her marginal negative comment about George W. Bush, shut down the Dixie Chicks. The Americans were going to have their war and now Americans say little about the undeniable chaos they created in the Middle East.. Being a peace advocate has a high price tag attached to it. Natalie Maines is my hero. DR JOHN WORLDPEACE JD; SELF APPOINTED NON ALIGNED GLOBAL PEACE AND WORLDPEACE ADVOCATE SELF APPOINTED NON ALIGNED GLOBAL PEACE AND WORLDPEACE ADVOCATE: I have therefore, appointed myself to be that figure head representing a challenge to political and religious objectives that reduce the level of peace in the world human society. That being said, I intend to do this without establishing any bureaucracy. I intend to do this non-violently. I will proceed to build a data base of all peace organizations in the world and when an issue comes up that is detrimental to maintainging or increasing the level of peace in the world human society, I will request an endorsement from all peace organizations to confront these issues. That is all I will have as an asset to confront chaos: a mandate from like minded peace organizations to challenge governmental and bureaucratic organizations when they try to reduce the level of peace in the world human society. So on an issue by issue basis I will seek endorsements to proceed with my non violent challenge to chaos creating agendas within the world human society. This is something new. Something never tried. And it may not be functional. But even if it is not functional, I refuse to sit by in apathy and watch nations destabilized, the warming of the planet, the extinction of endangered species, woman's inequality, wars, genocide, political based incarceration, demonizing races and religions and governments with a guilt by association mentality, and so on. This approach requires not bureaucracy creation. 160724. DR JOHN WORLDPEACE JD IN BRIEF Dr John WorldPeace JD in Brief: I have been self employed 95% of my career in insurance, accounting, tax, law and now web design officially since 2003. I wll never retire. I am also an artist and writer and poet. I am also a Peace and WorldPeace Advocate. I have no peace organization. I have no disciples, followers, members and I do not solicit money from anyone except my web design clients and my art to a small degree. I am one man with one simple message WorldPeace. I am a peace advocate but not a pacifist. I am not a messiah, avatar, guru or any such personage. I am just a really smart and driven guy pointing out issues in the world human society with regards to politics, religion, race and gender bias most especially toward women in addition to running my business. My life may be the most open book on the internet and Facebook. I am enigmatic no doubt. I live what most would consider an austere life style with regards to possessions but a very dynanic life through my various endeavors mentioned above. I am not owned or controlled by anyone or any organization. I see a lot of things in the world human society that are impediments to increasing the peace and I speak out about them. I believe in Jesus but I am not a religious Christian even though I do go to church frequently. I was born in 1948 three months after Gandhi was assassinated and one month before the creation of Israel; the two most significant events of 1948 in my reality. Dr John WorldPeace JD June 22, 2016. A DR JOHN WORLDPEACE JD TESTIMONIAL Dr JWP TESTIMONIAL: Ok folks consider this. In January I had bypass surgery, after refusing it 18 years ago after one of those widow maker heart attacks that took out 20% of my heart, three weeks ago kidney stone lazered out, last week a bad tooth removed (dentures are coming) and last week I had a pacemaker installed which was a local procedure, meaning I was awake, for the 2.5 hours process. Healed up from all of it. With the bypass and pacemaker which I am told is a Lamborghini model my heart is heading back I am told to the 100% functioning of yesteryear. Yet I have to acknowledge that I am a bionic man in the making. But more importantly, all the above plus a hernia and successful prostate cancer operation 6 years ago were all provided FREE OF CHARGE by the Veterans Administration which in Houston and Albuquerque provide top drawer care. And by the way, thank you Jesus. I am good to go for another 68 years I am certain. I need another 68 years to get close to achieving my lifetime agenda. Before the pacemaker, I was doing 25 miles several days a week on my bicycle about a third of which is uphill in Albuquerque. Plus a 3 mile walk about 4 days a week. Life is a daring adventure or nothing. Helen Keller. Miracles happen and the more miracles you acknowledge the more that come to you. We are all writing our own script. Our life at any moment is the accumulation of a life of thousands of decisions over the course of our life. Stay tuned, the Peaceman has miles to go before he sleeps. I will not go gentle into that good night. God bless ALL. A LITTLE BIT OF THE HISTORY OF DR JOHN WORLDPEACE JD When I was about 8 years old, I became aware that all human beings die. I became aware that these fragile bodies are not immortal and eternal but are mortal and finite. I also became aware that at the end of each life, one's consciousness exits this reality with nothing but one's experiences. Not one single material object valued in this reality is taken from this reality any departing soul. Into this reality we all come without material possessions, other than our human bodies, and from this reality we all leave with only the script of our lives which we have written. That is our testament and upon that testament we must contemplate; not just when we die but even now when we take time to consider our life to date. Therefore, material possessions never held any real value for me even though in the course of living and raising a family and supporting myself and others for a time, I have had my share of possessions. It is hard to exists in this reality without some things. The most basic need like clothes are required if one it to be accepted into modern society is an example. Even Jesus did not advocate or demostrate a life style of nudity. My first intellectual considerations were focused on why am I here in this reality? Why am I experiencing this dream? That seemed the most important question to me if not the only really valid question. If my soul was immortal, then I needed to understand the purpose of a mortal life on earth so that I could leave this reality no worse that I had entered it. This reality is finite. In this reality, everything that materializes, manifests or is born, immediately begins to degenerate and disintegrate back into the Infinite Oneness. Change caused by the ongoing manifestation from the Infinite Oneness (God if you prefer) and ongoing disintegration back into that Infinite Oneness is the one absolute foundation of this reality, this dream. The reality of the infinite immortal soul is the only true reality. The reality of dying human bodies is just a dream. All the problems of human existence originate from the fact that human beings become confused to a lesser or greater degree in the belief that this finite mortal reality is the true reality. We think that power and possessions are the foundation of a life of peace. How ridiculous? In time, all those related tangible things are taken away from every human being and then one's infinite immortal soul stands naked before God with the deeds of this life forever etched upon one's soul. I have no fear of God because the nature of this reality is one of great challenge. To come here takes a huge amount of courage. Most souls don't chose to awaken into this dream. It is just too hard. It is just too complex and dynamic in virtually infinite ways. Because we live in this reality with limited hearing, sight, touch, smell, taste and because we have to deal with constant change and a dreamscape that is in a constant state of flux, we ignore and refuse to contemplate what it is like before life and after death. We avoid these contemplations because they are not scientific but abstract. The other side of life, existence without a human body, just does not seem real. Yet from the other side, the soul knows that this reality is definitely not real. It is just a fleeting dream on a non existent dreamscape. Some of the great mysteries regarding the other side (heaven and hell if you prefer) are as follows: 1) There is no beginning
or end. So, since my realization of these things, I have never lost consciousness of the fact that I exist in two realities at the same time. I live within this earthly dream and I exist in heaven as well. Death is nothing but the removal of these earthly filters of the human body and earthly consciousness so that we can more clearly see and experience our true infinite immortal nature. Now your question is what does all this have to do with world peace? I decided decades ago that I could seek out the reasons why there is no peace in the world human society as a priest or minister and experience life through the lives of others. Or I could personally engage in politics, religion and the law. I could become part of the problem in order to seek out the common denominators of why there is so little peace and no world peace; to seek out why politics, religion and the law which are mandated to increase the peace in the world human society are in fact the greatest impediments to increasing the peace in the world human society. The truth is often paradoxical. As a result, I have constantly gone were only fool's dare to go. I have always taken the road less traveled. Everything on this web site is about my life journey to seek out why there is so much conflict and chaos in the world human society; why there is no peace much less world peace. I have never intentionally caused chaos except in my intentional challenges to the predatory nature of specific human beings who negative influence the world human society where the strong constantly prey upon the weak; and always for the accumulation of personal wealth and power to control others and to live as one pleases without serious consideration as to the ramifications of such behavior. I have no world peace organization to join, no followers, no disciples and do not seek any of them. I do not seek any kind of human recognition of what I am doing. I have chosen this path. I believe as did Helen Keller that life is a daring adventure or it is nothing. I reject living a wholly conventional life. In addition, I want to say that I am a spiritual Christian. That means I believe in the mission and advocacy of Jesus but I do not believe in the church because the church is nothing but a union of priests and preachers who are mortal and fallible and predatory with power and materialistic objectives just like every other human being on the earth. In the book of Hebrews (8:10-12) in the Christian Bible, Paul states that with the coming of Jesus, God has written God's laws in the consciousness of every human being and so no one needs to teach anyone else. All one needs to do is to be still and look within. One does not need a certified bona fide priest or preacher to understand the nature of God and the difference between positive and negative actions within the world human society. I am a Christian because I do believe that Jesus died and was resurrected. His story is too overwheming to be a fiction. No other religious spiritual leader has accomplished this one feat of resurrection which sets Jesus apart. Second, only Jesus advocated an outreach agenda of loving one another and going out of one's way not just to focus on one's own salvation but to reach out to others, not for the purpose of foisting Christianity on others but a more simple task of just easing the pain and suffering of one individual at a time as often as possible. No other religion or spiritual leader has made love of others the core of his or her teaching. This message sets Jesus apart from all others. It is a message of peace and the core foundation of world peace and the theme of my WorldPeace Advocacy which is nothing more than attempting to increase the peace in the world human society. And it is a fiction that Jesus went off to heaven. Jesus went nowhere. Jesus is present everywhere at every moment. It is therefore ridiculous to anticipate his return. Return from where? With this in mind, what follows is just my personal commentary. It is my perspective. It is an open notebook of what I have experienced and what I have come to understand. I am nothing more that one human being living an unconventional life. I have no peace or world peace objective or destination because there will never be a perfect peace or even world peace within the world human society. My WorldPeace Advocacy is just an ongoing journey that is attempting to increase the peace in some permanent way in the world human society moment to moment. All that really matters to me is that with my dying breath, no matter what I accomplish in this life, I can at least say I tried. I cannot seek any more than that without having to acknowledge failure. In the trying, I cannot experience failure. All I am saying, is give peace a chance. When peace becomes our priority, world peace will become our reality. John WorldPeace 090816 OUR PRAYER FOR WORLDPEACE We have a dream that
all the world abides in peace.
We have a dream that
with each passing, with each creation We have a dream that
all that is pure in love and light We have a dream that
all who come, We have a dream that
all who come to each tiny beacon We pray our dream
of WorldPeace becomes our reality; John
doubt that life at its best in this reality is always hard. Never forget
that life is very short and that even if you are in perfect health,
you are in fact dying. All religions teach that when we exit this reality
in death, in one way or another, each of us will account for how we
lived. Therefore, first reconcile yourself with the fact that you are
an infinite immortal spirit temporarily residing in this reality within
a finite mortal human body. Here we preceive time. On the other side
there is no time. Here there is neverending beginnings and endings.
On the other side, there is no beginning and there can be no end. This
is one of the great spiritual mysteries. Here we perceive light and
darkness. On the other side it is neither light nor dark. We come here
as male or female. On the other side we are simply immortal spirits
who are at the same time both individual and indivisible within the
Infinite Potential (God). When you reconcile with this, then you will
find peace. When enough of us
find peace, a critical mass will be reached within the world human population
and within a single moment world peace will become our reality. If I
am a minority of one, the truth is still the truth. As it is written
and prayed, so let it be done. THE WORLDPEACE ADVOCACY THE WORLDPEACE ADVOCACY My life is dedicated to nonviolently increasing the peace in the world human society. Increasing the peace is an undeniably possible vision. I have been officially on this path since 1988 when I changed my name to John WorldPeace as evidence of my commitment to try to make a positive difference in the world human society. In the last 26 years, I have had many experiences having to do with challenging the chaos and disharmony created by bureaucratic religion and politics, racism, the undeniable corruption of the law by judges of every stripe and in every country in the world and the undeniable subordination of women worldwide. I am not some ivory tower scholar or pacifist priest or preacher or some other self annointed holy man. I have been personally engaged in challenging political, religious and legal bureaucracies and I have learned a few things through those engagements. I have not chosen a role for myself of sitting on the sidelines of life observing and making disengaged comments. I have gone to where the grassroots source of conflict begins and I have become a participant in order to seek out some of the major causes of chaos and disharmony in the world human society. The question is often asked of me, "How can you be so combative and claim to be an advocate for peace?" My response is that I am an advocate for peace but I am not a pacifist. To be very simplistic, if you are about to harm someone I love, I will stop you; whatever that takes. There is no antagonism for me between advocating peace and stopping intentional pain and suffering wrongly inflicted or intended to be inflicted on another human being. I am a secular advocate for peace not a religious one. I am, in part, an angry man. But not angry in the sense of being violent. I do not believe that peace generally can manifest out of violent acts. I am an advocate for peace but I am not a pacifist. I am not a pacifist in the sense of having made application for conscientious objector status when I was drafted into the Army in 1970. I am angered by things like the United States refusing to make a public acknowledgment (not compensation) that it deliberately and intentionally advocated slavery and that slavery was supported by the Supreme Court of the United States when it was undeniably against the United States Constitution. It took a civil war to end the great evil of slavery in the United States of America. A war was required to overcome a prejudiced and undeniable corrupt judicial interpretation of the United States Constitution by the Supreme Court of the United States and nothing much has changed in two hundred years. I am angered that the United States has refused to acknowledge (not compensate) that it intentionally committed genocide against Native Americans and it continues to look for any means or excuse to appropriate all the reservation lands. I am angry that we create nuclear waste and fossil fuel emissions when we have energy in the wind, sun and water that are limitless on this planet and user friendly to perpetuating the Garden of Eden environment with which this generation of humanity is entrusted with for all future generations. I am angry that a minimum of ten percent of inmates in the prison systems in America are in fact innocent. I am angry that women are subordinated in all areas of the world human society. I am angry because the world mindset is unbalanced due to this subordination with its masculine dominance which is a foundational cause of wars and exploitation worldwide. I am angry at people who are against abortion and who at the same time are against welfare to support the resulting unwanted children. For me, only those who are willing to adopt these unwanted children should have a say in the antiabortion debate. I am very frustrated that the non thinking Christians around the world support billion dollar Jesus shows where millionaire televangelists preach in the name of Jesus who advocated having nothing. The greed and hunger for power in these ministeries is unbounded. I ask the very simple question of what will happen when Jesus returns and visits the Pope. As Jesus, in his common garments, stands face to face with the Pope, clothed in his priceless vestments, what will Jesus say? Will Jesus ask the Pope to turn over his vestments? And if he does, will Jesus put them on or sell them and distribute the proceeds to the poor? The answer is a no brainer. That being said, I am a spiritual Christian, not a religious one. I am angry that we are cutting down trees and creating a sterile planet when we could legalize commercial hemp (which has no halucinagenic properties) and create in an annual renewable crop all the paper we could ever use with minimal effects on the environment. Hemp has more fiber than wood pulp. This is just one use of hemp. I am angry that America has created a monster prison system which houses marijuna users and sellers when we know from experience that we can no more regulate or stop marijuana use than we could stop the use of alcohol. I say legalize marijuana even though I have never used it or any other illegal substance. Legalizing marijuana ends much of the bloodshed associated with its illegality. Everyone who smokes marijuana personally accepts and endorses the murder of those who died and continue to die (police, gangsters and politicians) trying to control the market for it. I could go on but this web site contains much of what I have to say. In time my WorldPeace Advocacy books will be published in a more traditional form in which all of these things and more will be discussed and commented upon. Ten books already exist on this web site. The truth is often paradoxical. The most obvious is often the most hidden. John WorldPeace
THE POSSIBILITY OF WORLDPEACE THE POSSIBILITY OF WORLD PEACE WorldPeace is One Word According to John WorldPeace in order to define Peace or World Peace, we must start by writing WorldPeace as one word because it is the combination of two concepts of "world" and "peace" and writing it together indicates the concept of WorldPeace something different from writing the words separately as world peace which is really meaningless. This entire world peace conversation prior to this commentary by John WorldPeace is off the mark. It has been limited to a discussion of how to deal with the reality of the lack of world peace, no nation at war with another nation generally speaking. What it does not consider are wars based on race and religion. These wars cross national boundaries. But world peace is even a broader concept in that it also includes the end of the violence and the subordination of women. These are the four core impediments of world peace; nationalism, racism, religion and gender bias. There are almost an infinite number of sub issues impacting on the level of peace in the world human society. The implementers and impediments to world peace are politics, the law and bureaucratic religion. The reality is that there will never be world peace. The reason for this requires the consideration of the common denominator of all disharmony and unpeaceful actions in the world human society. That common denominator is simply CHANGE. All things change. All things, tangible and intangible, that manifest in this reality (world) in time disintegrate. This constant change requires the entire world human population to shift at the birth of every child and at every human death. Every death and birth causes a ripple effect in the entire world human society. There is a constant tension in the world human society between opposing groups with an infinite number of individual and group agendas. And this is complicated by the fact that humans belong to many groups, some even with opposing philosophies and mandates. So all the arguments and commentary regarding world peace are really about increasing or increasing or decreasing the level of peace and world peace in the world human society. It is ridiculous to consider the end of governments. Whether we have the present nation states or end up with one federal order with subdivisions under it, the world human population will always be divided politically. Further, the world human population will also always be divided by race, religion and gender. There will never be a true world peace much less a perfect peace. Not even when Jesus reasserts his physical presence. To create a perfect peace would be to freeze everything that exists permanently; to stop change. That is a totally ridiculous consideration. Everything in this reality changes and always will. This reality is dynamic and cannot become static without becoming non human. The Christian peace essentially requires Jesus to turn all human beings to stone so that there is no interaction and then there will be a perfect peace. The Christian Bible tells of wars in heaven among the angels even as contemporary preachers refuse to consider what this means in their lessons on how heaven will be peaceful. So world peace requires a new definition. That definition is that we already have a level of peace and world peace. And it is not a perfect peace because that is impossible. We have a level of peace and world peace and what we can do is to increase the level of peace or decrease it. That is all that can be done and all the speculation on this topic is nothing but how the various nations, religions, races and genders can increase or decrease the level of peace in the world by their actions. The level of peace in the world human society at any moment is simply a measure of the existing tension that exists at that particular moment in the world human society. There will never be peace as long as human beings gather in groups. When a person belongs to any group, that person becomes an impediment to peace because his association with others of his race, religion, nation or gender is an elitist exclusive mindset. The concept of peace and world peace is one of total democratic inclusiveness. This is why an American peace will never manifest world peace. A White peace will never manifest world peace. A Christian peace will never manifest world peace. And a masculine peace will never manifest WorldPeace. Let me repeat that perfect peace is impossible within the world human society. So more accurately these various divisions and groupings in the world human society will through their actions increase or decrease the level of world peace. That is all that can be discussed and considered; how do we increase the level of peace in the world human society. Therefore, any discussion about world peace really comes down to increasing the peace by human beings letting go of their individual distinctions of race, religion, nationality and gender and simply come to deal with each other as human beings first and foremost. We all belong to the human race. That is our common democratic denominator. As we subordinate our elitist exclusive mentalities and prejudices we embrace a democratic inclusiveness which is what God is usually portrayed as being and promoting. All discussions are about increasing or decreasing the peace. However, due to the short lifespan of human beings, each generation has to learn the lessons of peace again. Those who most want peace are those who have lived through the most chaos and disharmony. When the majority of human beings have not experienced the hell of chaos and disharmony, then you can bet that conflict is not far behind. The wars between various groups for superior power in the world human society will never cease. It is impossible for human beings to let go of their group identities because the world will always be full of change and therefore full of treachery,chaos and disharmony. This is fundamental and it requires all human beings to align themselves with groups that will protect them in times of chaos. It is about survival. This is the shared belief among human beings which is in fact an impediment to peace and world peace. Human beings should work and pray for the reduction of political and religious and racial wars and for the end of discrimination of woman throughout the entire world. This is when the level of peace will reach its highest marks. Now this is a framework within which to discuss increasing the peace in the world human society. The is the framework within which to consider increase the peace and world peace. The world peace conversations can now turn productive as we understand the conversation. Peace comes to human beings but not to Americans, Blacks, Buddhists or men as long as each insists upon such a distinction in the world human society. Let go of group identity and association and embrace humanity and accept the humanity in others and the level of peace on the earth will rise dramatically. When peace becomes our priority, world peace will become our reality.
Is That So? A beautiful Japanese girl whose parents owned a food store lived near him. Suddenly, without any warning, her parents discovered she was with child. This made he parents angry. She would not confess who the man was, but after much harassment at last named Hakuin. In great anger the parents went to the master. "Is that so?" was all he would say. After the child was born it was brought to Hakuin. By this time he had lost his reputation, which did not trouble him, but he took very good care of the child. He obtained milk from his neighbors and everything else the little A year later the girl-mother could stand it no longer. She told her parents the truth; that the real father of the child was a young man who worked in the fish market. The mother and the father of the girl at once went to Hakuin to ask his forgiveness, to apologize at length, and to get the child back again. Hakuin was willing. In yielding the child, all he said was: "Is that so?"
"I am an ADVOCATE for peace and worldpeace but I am not a PACIFIST!!!" Dr Jwp JD ![]() ![]() |
Dr Jwp 160517 Dr John WorldPeace JD One man, one message: World Peace ![]() My Father WWII ![]() Myself 10/'70 - 5/'72 11B40 Infantry Sgt ![]() My 3 Sons between Iraqs ![]() |
The undeniable reality is that the vast majority of people hate peace and they hate even more those who advocate it. The truth is often paradoxical. Jwp
Jesus - crucified |
Lord, St. Francis of Assisi
The Apostle Paul - executed I have worked much harder, been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and been exposed to death again and again. 24Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. 25Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, 26I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my own countrymen, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false brothers. 27I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked.
The Prophet Elijah 1 Kings 18:16 So Obadiah went to tell King Ahab that Elijah had come, and Ahab went out to meet Elijah. 17When Ahab saw him, he exclaimed, “So, is it really you, you troublemaker of mankind?”
Joseph Genesis 37:18 When they saw him from a distance and before he came close to them, they plotted against him to put him to death.Genesis 37:20 "Now then, come and let us kill him and throw him into one of the pits; and we will say, 'A wild beast devoured him.' Then let us see what will become of his dreams!"
Buddha |
Abraham Lincoln - assassinated |
Baha U Llah - life imprisonment |
Mahatma Gandhi - assassinated |
Luther King |
Yitzhak Rabin - assassinated |
Mandela |
Dalai Lama - exiled |
IMAGINE Imagine there's no Heaven
Imagine there's no countries You may say that I'm a dreamer |
Imagine no possessions You may say that I'm a dreamer |
My name is John Worldpeace. John WorldPeace was not my birth name but it has been my legal name since April 1, 1988. My journey in this life includes a mission of peace. I am an advocate for world peace but I am not a pacifist. The nature of this reality is change. Into this chaotic world society, I repeat messages of peace. Those messages are my life. I have no organization to join. No disciples. No followers. No doctrine or dogma. I am just one man with one simple message: WorldPeace. Visualize WorldPeace ! |
Every act of peace increases the overall level of peace in the world society. Chanting world peace increases one's consciousness of it. Writing world peace enshrines the concept. Meditating on world peace brings illumination. Praying for world peace seeds it within the social fabric. Wearing a world peace insignia of any kind transforms one into a point of light for world peace. Thinking world peace will manifest WorldPeace. All we are saying is |
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The world is one nation and humanity its citizens.
WorldPeace is One
Word !!!
When peace becomes
our priority |
- John WorldPeace "An
eye for an eye Mahatma Gandhi WorldPeace is a journey, not a destination.
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- The structure of WorldPeace
cannot be the work of one man or one political party or one nation. It
must be a peace which rests on the cooperative effort of the whole world. |
This is our cry. This is
our prayer. |
"INVICTUS" Out of the night that
covers me, In the fell clutch
of circumstance Beyond this place
of wrath and tears It matters not how
strait the gate. "DARE
GREATLY" It is not the critic who counts; nor the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again because there is no effort without error and shortcomings; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at best knows in the end, the triumph of high achievement; and who at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.
"IF" If you can keep your head when all
about you If you can dream - and not make
dreams your master; If you can make one heap of all
your winnings If you can talk with crowds and
keep your virtue, |
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World Peace is a
DESIDERATA Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and agressive persons; they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is: many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less that the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. and whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive God to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. |
![]() ![]() |
![]() World Peace Equatorial Guinea |
![]() World Peace Eritrea |
![]() World Peace Estonia |
![]() World Peace Ethiopia |
![]() World Peace Fiji |
![]() World Peace Finland |
![]() World Peace France |
![]() World Peace Gabon |
![]() World Peace The Gambia |
![]() World Peace Germany |
![]() World Peace Ghana |
![]() World Peace Greece |
![]() World Peace Grenada |
![]() World Peace Guatemala |
![]() World Peace Guinea |
![]() World Peace Guinea-Bissau |
![]() World Peace Guyana |
![]() World Peace Haiti |
![]() World Peace Honduras |
![]() World Peace Hungary |
![]() World Peace Iceland |
![]() World Peace India |
![]() World Peace Indonesia |
![]() World Peace Iran |
![]() World Peace Ireland |
![]() World Peace Israel |
![]() World Peace Italy |
![]() World Peace Jamica |
![]() World Peace China | ![]() World Peace Colombia | ![]() World Peace Comoros | ![]() World Peace Rep. of the Congo | ![]() World Peace Democratic Rep. of the Congo | ![]() World Peace Costa Rica |
![]() World Peace Croaita | ![]() World Peace Cuba | ![]() World Peace Cyprus | ![]() World Peace Czech Rep. | ![]() World Peace Denmark |
![]() World Peace Dominican Rep. | ![]() World Peace East Timor | ![]() World Peace Ecuador | ![]() World Peace Egypt | ![]() World Peace El Salvador | ![]() World Peace Japan |
![]() World Peace Jordan | ![]() World Peace Kazakhstan | ![]() World Peace Kenya | ![]() World Peace Kiribati | ![]() World Peace North Korea | ![]() World Peace South Korea |
![]() World Peace Kuwait |
![]() World Peace Djibouti |
![]() World Peace Dominica |
![]() World Peace Algeria |
![]() World Peace Andorra |
![]() World Peace Angola |
![]() World Peace Argentina |
![]() World Peace Armenia |
![]() World Peace Australia |
![]() World Peace Austria |
![]() World Peace Azwebaijan |
![]() World Peace The Bahamas |
![]() World Peace Bahrain |
![]() World Peace Bangladesh |
![]() World Peace Barbados |
![]() World Peace Belarus |
![]() World Peace Belize |
![]() World Peace Benin |
![]() World Peace Bhutan |
![]() World Peace Bolivia |
![]() World Peace Bosnia/Herzegovina |
![]() World Peace Botswana |
![]() World Peace Brazil |
![]() World Peace Brunei |
![]() World Peace Bulgaria |
![]() World Peace Burkina Faso |
![]() World Peace Cambodia |
![]() World Peace Cameron |
![]() World Peace Canada |
![]() World Peace Cape Verde |
![]() World Peace Central Africa Rep. |
![]() World Peace Chad |
![]() World Peace Chile |
![]() World Peace Kyrgyzstan |
![]() World Peace Antigua/Barbuda |
THE WORLDPEACE PEACE PAGE Copyright 1988-2018 by Dr John WorldPeace JD USA All rights reserved |
WORLD PEACE LINKS I Declare World Peace |
World Peace Association WORLD PEACE GROUPS World Peace Envoy |