John WorldPeace Responds to His Constituency
July 14, 2001: WorldPeace on the oil industry in Texas
July 4, 2001: To the "Texas Observer" and whoever else gives a damn
June 15, 2001: About John WorldPeace
June 12, 2001: To "g_T_f" whoever you are!
June 9, 2001: True Blue Republican
June 2, 2001: The Death Penalty
June 1, 2001: Legalizing Marijuana
May 1, 2001: To the children of Michigan
March 3, 2001: Equal Rights for Men in the Family Courts
March 4, 2001: Blue Dog Democrat on criminal justice
March 9, 2001: On waking up a disabled Vietnam Vet
March 31, 2001: WorldPeace the Pragmatic Dreamer